The Elven Pantheon

It took several cenmturies after the Fey Shift to fully believe that the Elves still had access to their pantheon of Gods. Lead by Shiroku; the pantheon encompasses all that defines Elven Culture.  


The Supreme Ruling God of the Elven Pantheon. Shiroku presides over the entire elven pantheon as the supreme deity, embodying wisdom, guidance, and divine order. They ensure harmony and balance among the other gods and serve as the ultimate authority in the elven faith.


The Minor Gods


The God of the Tempest and Weather. Corellon represents the mighty forces of nature, commanding storms, winds, and ever-changing weather. He is a significant deity in the pantheon, associated with beauty, art, magic, and warfare.  


The Goddess of Moonlight and Mysteries. Sehanine is associated with the moon, dreams, and divination. She embodies the mystical and enigmatic aspects of the elven faith, guiding her followers through the realms of secrets and hidden knowledge.  


The God of Archery and the Hunt. Solonor embodies the elven affinity for nature, focusing on the skills of archery, survival, and hunting. He symbolizes the connection between elves and the natural world.  


The Trickster God of Mischief and Change. Erevan is a deity known for his unpredictable nature, embodying an elven sense of humour and love for cleverness. He represents the ever-changing aspects of life and encourages his followers to embrace transformation and adaptability.  


The Goddess of Unity and Balance. Angharradh is a powerful deity who symbolizes unity, cooperation, and balance within the elven pantheon. She represents the harmonious relationship between the elves and the different aspects of elven life, promoting unity among the elven deities and their followers.  


The God of Art, Music, and Poetry. Corellor is the patron of creativity and inspiration, inspiring the elven race's artistic endeavours. He represents the beauty and elegance found in elven culture and encourages his followers to express themselves through various art forms.

Articles under The Elven Pantheon