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Ankhrav Menace

Plot: The encampment to the north has come under attack from a hive of Ankhrav, bug like creatures that burrow into the earth eating everything in sight, including people. In order for the attacks to stop, the hive and it's queen must be destroyed. The party is first requested for help by Abigail, the daughter of the chief who was gravely wounded and unconscious after their recent attempt to clear the hive. The party recieves more information about how to combat the Ankhrav with emphasis of how dangerous a head on attack would be, encouraging the party to find a way to distract the swarm leaving the hive vulnerable.   Objectives: The party must kill the queen and burn the hive to cause the swarm to leave the area. They can achieve this either by attacking the swarm directly, or finding a way to get the majority of the swarm to leave the area via a distraction or diversionary attack.   Dialogue: Abigail "You have chosen a perilous time to arrive in our camp. You should leave now before you too are claimed by the Ankhrav" "The Ankhrav are vicious creatures, a blight upon the land. Gods only know what mischief Lamashtu wove into their creation" Their hive is located in the forest and from there, they prey upon us and the local animals, devouring all in sight." "We've tried to fight them off many times, but we never manage to slay more than a few, losing our greatest warriors in the process" "This is Isaac and Thorne, our two remaining scouts, they can tell you more about how to deal with the Ankhrav. And bless you great warriors. I had begun to fear we were doomed to be food for the ever hungry swarm; now, I have hope (kisses each on the cheek)"   Issac "The creatures are fierce, unrelenting, feeding constantly. It will not be easy to reach the hive, let alone destroy it"   Thorne "We tried a head on assault a few days back, but we were quickly overwhelmed. It's almost like they expected us. Thats when Chief Horace fell. "   Issac "You lot seem like a strong bunch. Maybe with your skills we can finally take the bastards out"   Thorne "I've noticed that the Ankhrav seem to be attracted to strong smells of food, particulary meat. We will need to find a way to cover our scent if we're to stand a chance"   Timeline: It will take a 1/4 day travel into the forest to find the Ankhrav Hive. If the players plan a distraction, it will take an additional 1/2 day to set up the distraction and for the Ankhrav to take to it   Encounters: If the party goes for a head on assualt, they will face 3 moderate encounters and 1 severe encounter making their way through the hive. If the party distracts the swarm, they will face only the 1 severe encounter against the Queen.   Consequences: If the party is successful, the Queen can be harvested for valuable monster parts and will drop 10 oils of mending (her blood) and the encampment will be saved. If Isaac and Thorne survive, they will offer to assist the party at a later date of their choosing. If the party is unsuccessful, the encampment will be wiped out by either the Ankhrav or the Gnolls to the south as they are too weak to prove themselves to them.
Key Characters
Abigail, Daughter of the Chief   Isaac, Lead of the Tribes Scouts   Thorne, First Scout

Articles under Ankhrav Menace


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