Children of the seed

Divine Origins

There are those who pledge themselves to Efris, goddess of the forest as they see her as their true god, those people are called Children of the seed . This religion is very popular and common. Although it is mostly related to druidic paths and philosophies.

Cosmological Views

Children of the seed believe in the Birth of Eros as most other religions, with the exception of them believing that Efris, goddess of the forest is the only god that still remains alive. This belief is not very popular among other religions.

Tenets of Faith

-Protect nature   -What you take from nature you must give back (this can be in many ways, take an apple off a tree and leave a strand of hair in return)   -Seek inner peace as you are part of nature


Children of the seed will fast during weeks end and take nourishment from roots, this is done to connect with nature


Every temple has an Elder, Elders are usually druids that have taken a path of peace

Granted Divine Powers

Enhanced medical,survival and nature abilities

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Children of the seed does not have political influence anywhere and often stay away from human conflict
Religious, Organised Religion


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