Gadrey's woe

Gather 'round ye common folk, come and listen to my tale
Of love, betrayal, of horror and wail
Gadrey and Laura, a couple so in love
their desires o so twisted, as they yearned to rise above

Song interlude
  Gadrey already wed, his heart belonged elsewhere
He dreamt of a life with Laura, and thought he'd take the dare
He planned a murder foul, to free him from his wife
And in the Hollowed Halls, he would dare to take her life

Song interlude
  Laura agreed the plan, blinded by her love
But when they soon arrived, things took a sudden shove
Laura drew her knife, and stabbed Gadrey's wife
Who fell flat to the ground, yet clung dear to her life

  Gadrey, a frenzy, took his son and killed
While his wife looked on helpless, her soul strong-willed
Gadrey and Laura thought they had done well
o but in the cave, they heard a dreadful yell

song iterlude
  Gadrey already wed, his heart belonged elsewhere
He dreamt of a life with Laura, and thought he'd take the dare
He planned a murder foul, to free him from his wife
And in the Hollowed Halls, he would dare to take her life

song interlude
  A wailing scream, and a woman's cry
Drew them back with a fixed dread eye,
But now they faced a Smitka, with a crooked head
clutching her dead baby, she attacked with undead dread

  Gadrey and Laura were never seen again
Their love and their crime, a tragic bloodstain
So beware all ye who seek love at any cost
For it may lead to a fate with a your life lost.

song interluse
  Gadrey already wed, his heart belonged elsewhere
He dreamt of a life with Laura, and thought he'd take the dare
He planned a murder foul, to free him from his wife
And in the Hollowed Halls, he would dare to take her life
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