the Hollowed Halls

Large cave system north east of Kingslake. The cave became known because of a story:

  Gadrey and Laura were madly in love, they were perfect for each other and wished to marry, the only problem was that Gadrey already was. Gadrey came up with a horrid plan to murder his wife and son in the Hollowed halls so that they could be together. Gadrey asked his wife to meet him at the caves entrance as he told her he would take her for a beautiful walk and a picnic. When they were in the cave, Laura rushed out of the shadows stabbing Gadrey's wife in the neck. She fell to the cavern floor paralyzed, but not dead. Gadrey took his infant son and stuck a knife into his body.
Gadrey's wife saw it all but couldn't utter a word. Gadrey and Laura then happily sat down at the caves entrance and had their picnic. After they were finished they started to venture home as they thought that was the end. Then they heard a wailing scream coming from the cave and after that a woman crying. Gadrey and Laura went back in thinking they had maybe not finished their murder. but when they walked into the cave they did not see two lifeless bodies. Gadrey's wife had transformed into a Smitka. Holding her baby with a crooked paralyzed head she cried and screamed... then she attacked, and Laura and Gadrey were seen no more.

  The Hollowed Halls are thoroughly avoided because of this tale.


Dungeon stats


dark cave with wet floor, surprisingly warm. Remnants of camps from different time periods at the entrance

Room 12

3x shrieker's hidden among other moist flora

 Room 10

A camuflaged pit trap lies in the center (DC 13 to spot). Looks old and moldy.

Room 8

A ruined structure of stone bricks line the room. A demonic statue lies broken on the cave floor. Wall and vines hide the entrance to room 6.(DC 9 to spot)

Room 6

A hidden room filled with ancient debris of statues, one statue is a skeleton with four hands and has valuable red garnets for eyes, (DC 16 History: Looks to be built around 900AF)(DC 11 religion, statues depict Niithes god of death and his priests)

Room 5 & 7

The cave is at its largest in this room, bones of various animals and 2 human remains scatter the room. 2 more shriekers are hidden among other wet flora. (If shriekers are triggered in this room Gadreys wife in room 1 will be allerted and party hears scream). 3 smitkas are hiding in rooms 2,4,11 and will approach shriekers sound.

Room 2

The cave turns into a ruin. almost like a castle dungeon. stairs and doors at every corner make it difficult to navigate to room 1

Room 1

A small temple hall, feint light coming from a cave opening 50 feet above, at the end is a statue of Niithes depicted as a merciful skeleton king stroking a crying lady on the cheek. (If Gadreys wife was alerted she will be hidden in a corner of the room) (if gadreys wife was not alerted she will be sitting beneath statue of niithes crying)

Room 3,4,11,9

empty cave halls

Room 13

A surprisingly well kept torch is on the cave wall (DC 14 INV,PER. the torch is a lever for a wall nearby) the hidden wall leads to room 13 were trinkets lie on the floor, looks to be a tribute to Niithes.
  • Gold Goblet with ornate engravings
  • ritual dagger crafted from silver
  • 120 Ancient gold coins (not currency)
  • 4 rubies (worth 12g each)

Gadrey's Wife (Boss)

Cave System
Location under
Related Myths


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