

The upper city is much wealthier than the bottom city, and the richest live near the keep. the cities races are very diverse, but like most of Cowenta, the most common race is the Humans. followed by the Elves and next the dwarfs. Kingslake has the biggest Dwarf population in all of Cowenta.


The City is run by the king of Cowenta. The king decides his counsel and his right hand


Kingslake is one of the strongest city and has often than not been claimed as "Impenetrable". With both the upper city and the lower city being surrounded by tall walls and towers they are both very fortified. But the upper city is much stronger than the lower city. To attack the city you'd have to either climb the cliff from the lower city or go on top of the hill, hitting the city from the side. Even if you hit the city by the side you'll have to pass the first wall and gatehouse that leads through the smaller portion of the upper city. then through that you'll face the second wall and gatehouse, both much taller than the first one.

Industry & Trade

In the early days of Kingslake the city started as a mine, the mine was the biggest source of adamantine in Cowenta if not the world. The city got rich quick after the adamantine was discovered. Rowlind Eremyte came from the mountains of the Witherlands although he claims that his family is descendant from Marilith from Story of the girl and the serpent lord">Story of the girl and the serpent lord and bought the mine quickly after. He then built the Waterkeep and the port below the lake. From there the ships sailed through the veins of cowenta selling the silver. Kingslake quickly became a rich place and Lord Rowlind Eremyte became even richer. Later he became the first high king of Cowenta


Kingslake is well known for its magnitude, The cities castle is a sight to behold. on the edge of a cliff it towers over everything else. at the end of the castle is a big duct that leads over the cliff, there the mountains river leads through the city, under the castle and shoots from the duct creating a big waterfall that rains over the lower city. When the city was founded the lower city started as just a dock near the lake and a mine near the cliff. The mine was used to mine silver, but that was a long time ago. Now they are just open caves that have been turned into markets and residential housing.


Lower City & Harbor

The Lower city connects to both the Harbor, smaller gate and the inner city. The lower city and the higher city also connect but are very removed from each other only being connected by roads and the inner city. The Lower city has a big commercial Infrastructure with many shops, markets, inns and Taverns.   The Architecture between the city parts are very similar with the exception of the display of wealth and luxuries being more common in the upper city  
Upper City layer

Upper City & Castle

The upper city is only accessible by the sunset gate and the inner city. The Upper city districts are mostly housing zones with a splash of wealthier stores in-between. Most aristocrats and Politicians from Kingslake and other cities live there to be close to the High King. The Serpents Grace is the castle of the High king. It is one of the biggest castles in Cowenta and has been for a while  

Inner City

The inner city used to be a silver and iron mine originally, but after they dried out they were re-commendated as a market location for Kingslake. The Emeryte family hired dwarfs from the north to help with the silver mining. Resulting in a decent dwarf population in the lower city.


Lower and inner city shops & places

Inn Wealth Range 0-10 Tavern Included
CherryWimm's 6 No
BuckleBrew 4.8 Yes
Tavern Wealth Range
Fishers Slumber 3
Mary's Story 6.4
SilverVein 7.2
Blacksmith Wealth Range Armorer Included Enchanter
Coal Strikers & Hammers co. 7.8 Yes No
Maydon's 6.5 No Yes
Magic Shop Wealth Range Custom Items
Mg'Owns Trinkets 5.2 No
Food Wealth Range
Fishermans hut 4.5
Loin Cutter 5.7

Upper city shops & places

Inn Wealth Range Tavern Included
The Opulent Oracle 9.9 yes
Magenta's 8.7 yes
Tavern Wealth Range
Serpents Glaze 9
Judy's 8.2
Blacksmith Wealth Range Armorer Included Enchanter
Mason Makers 10 yes yes
Grace of the Adder 6.9 no yes
Magic Shop Wealth Range Custom Items
Arcanai's Touched 8 yes
Food Wealth Range
Ebriettas Sweets 7.4


Kingslake is surrounded with a tall garden of mountains that guard a giant lake hidden in the middle, there are forests all over the walls of mountains and then there is the Sunset Cliff where the Waterkeep rests on


Basic 1°C - 35°C

Natural Resources

  • Wood
  • Steel
  • Silver
  • animals
  • Coal


  • Kingslake City
Founding Date
750-900.000 people
Owning Organization