Story of the girl and the serpent lord


Settle down brave soul, we have made it to Konloch (Kon-Logh)
Do you know the story of how it came to be?.. No?
Well then rest nicely by the hearth and I shall entertain.
In the days forgotten, when the old lords settled in Cowenta (Co-went-a).
One lord came upon this valley.
The silver serpent rested his head on the mountain in a sad slumber. His massive body blocked the sun, casting shadow over the whole lake.
Below the mountain lived a family of farmers. The family feared the arrival of the great serpent lord for the shadow blocked their great cherry trees and they would surely wither in the shade of the serpent.
After seeing her fathers fear of losing his trees, Marilith went and confronted the lord in hopes of saving the farm.
She walked up the mountain and sat next to the serpent.
“Nice weather is it not my lord” said Marilith greeting the serpent
The serpent did not open his eyes, only grumbled
“I do not concern myself with the weather, it does not affect me”
“Well nice it remains anyway” said Marilith and laughed
The laugh seemed to take the serpent by surprise as he opened his eyes and looked upon the girl.
“It has been long since i myself have felt innocent happiness like that” he said
“Why is that my lord” said the girl
The serpent took his time, then sighed and answered
“I have seen all the lands, rivers and trees. I have traveled to other worlds and gazed at all the stars in the sky, there is nothing i have left to explore.
i have come here to slumber… for the rest of eternity”
“That's pretty grim” Marilithl responded
“I might not travel like thou my lord, but i do tend to the same cherry trees every day and i still find them calming and beautiful”
Marilith paused, looked down the mountain at her dads orchard and back at the serpent lord and said
“I think that in thy constant need of discoveries thou hast forgotten to stop and admire what thou already have”
The serpent lord stopped for a moment, surprised by both the statement and the fact that no one had talked to him in that manner.
“You speak as if you know more than me young girl”
Said the serpent lord
The girl laughed and said, “Oh I don't think I do, but I know what I have and.. i am pretty happy”
“Hmm, That I can not deny”
Said the serpent and paused
“Hmmm yes, indeed. Your words have inspired this fusty lord”
He laughed and reared his head
“I think i might visit my birthing place again. With these new eyes thou lady has bestowed upon me i shalt behold upon them again and cherish what i always had”
The great serpent lord slithered out of the valley and left, but the girl did not sit there empty handed. For in all the tracks the old lord left, glittered pure silver.
That is the origin of this valley but not only that. Do you see that palace on top of that cliff there?
That there is the great hall of the first king of Cowenta, Rowlind Eremyte (Rouv-Lænd Ere-mæt)
Supposed son of Marlilith, the very same girl in this story.
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