the story of Marilith

Gather 'round ye folks, and hear a tale of old
Of a serpent lord, and a story untold
In the land of Cowenta, where the lords settled deep
One serpent lord arrived, and put the valley to sleep

His massive body, a silver serpent so grand
Blocked the sun, casting a shadow over the land
Below the mountain, a family of farmers feared
For the shadow would surely make their cherry trees sear

Marilith, a girl brave and kind
Decided to confront the lord, to see what she'd find
She climbed up the mountain, and sat by the serpent's side
Greeting him with warmth, she did not hide

The serpent did not open his eyes, but only grumbled
But Marilith persisted, and her laughter rumbled
Surprised, the serpent opened his eyes and looked at her
"It has been long since I've felt innocent happiness like a purr"

Marilith told him that she tended to the same cherry trees every day
And found them calming and beautiful, in every way
The serpent realized he had forgotten to stop and admire
What he already had, and decided to rekindle his fire

He slithered out of the valley, and left behind
Tracks of pure silver, for Marilith to find
She did not sit there empty-handed, for her words inspired
The serpent lord to cherish what he always had desired

So remember this tale, of a girl and a lord
Of cherishing what we have, and not be ignored
For in every little thing, beauty can be found
Just like the silver tracks, that glimmered on the ground.
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