Torna Flann Character in Errat | World Anvil
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Torna Flann

Torna Flann

Torna was born in a small village called Hempholm. From a young age he always sneaked into the tavern "The Halflings Feet" so he could hear about the many tales about heroes and adventurers. He always thought that when he was going to be a legendary person in the future when he could leave the village.   When he became 16 he joined the local militia so he could learn how to fight. He made quite a few friends in the militia. After a few years he made it to the army where he would try to prove himself. Torna even volunteered to be in the frontlines so he could feel like a hero.   But the moment he really stood on the frontlines and the enemy horde was getting closer he became nervous and afraid and had regrets about his choices. He felt terrible for many years after the war. He saw many friends die and he saw a lot of loss from the people around him. In the years were he served he sung songs with his friends in the army to give each other the courage to continue.   The moment he came back home he stayed with his parents and became a shell of his former self. He could not forget his past.   But one day there came a traveling bard to the village and began to sing. Torna felt the first little bit of light in the darkness around him. From that moment on he decided that he would become a person who could still travel the world as an adventurer, not one who kills al the monsters around him. But a person who would support his party members when they needed him. He would not become the hero of the world but rather te person who stood by the hero and pulled him up when he was in need of help.   And as a reminder he wrote a song about his past so that he would not forget what he has seen.   "When I reminisce about all those years I see many things. Life and death strung together, like the mountains and valleys in which we lived. There was wealth and opulence. But also tribulation and loss. There was laughter and song. And there was also tears. But even more than tears, blood was shed. And so many were left to their unadorned graves, unburied. But to us death was but another journey. And close by the darkness through which we strode. There was also light. The light of life and immortality. And after all when I reminisce about those years I mostly remember our songs. We sang, as if to drown out the sound of clashing swords, as if the battle cries fell silent. Because war had lost its meaning"

Bardic human

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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The Goblin problem

After our first adventure the lord of Suth-on-Spoke asked for us and told us about a goblin problem Some crates and children went missing and he asked us to solve the problem.   After a night of searching for goblins we found a little camp where we were spotted. When we engaged combat, we also found out about the owlbear they had with us. The battle was hard and tough, but we prevailed, and overcame all hardships.   When the battle was over we found another dwarf named Bhor Stonethrew and the body of a little child. The body was decomposed and he was about 3 months dead.   The dwarf told us about the goblin village Bartholomew and that they are maybe more civilized.   (Need to write the rest later)

The first adventure out of the hometown

The first town where we arrived after leaving Hempholm was Suth-on-Spoke. After a week of traveling i really could not wait for a warm soft bed, but it was still the middle of the day, so we decided to first experience the local dungeon "The Delve". The first encounters were quite easy so i became overconfident and should have saved some spellslots, later on we came to the hard reality that we could possibly die.   The goblins and rats were there to drain our stamina and spells, so that the spiders could finish us off. I became unconscious and barely woke up in time before the finishing blow was dealt. My friend Volnir was not quite as lucky as he died... But because of some magic he came back alive, unfortunately he became another creature.   I may have some doubts that he is not the real Volnir, but time will tell.   -Torna


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