Torna Flann | World Anvil

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Torna Flann

Level 3 Human Bard
/ 27 HP

Bardic human

Campaign & Party

Heroes of Hempholm

Volnir Kavraeg Torna
Run by Skrawler17
Played by
Thu 18th Jun 2020 07:46

The Goblin problem

by Torna Flann

After our first adventure the lord of Suth-on-Spoke asked for us and told us about a goblin problem
Some crates and children went missing and he asked us to solve the problem.
After a night of searching for goblins we found a little camp where we were spotted.
When we engaged combat, we also found out about the owlbear they had with us.
The battle was hard and tough, but we prevailed, and overcame all hardships.
When the battle was over we found another dwarf named Bhor Stonethrew and the body of a little child.
The body was decomposed and he was about 3 months dead.
The dwarf told us about the goblin village Bartholomew and that they are maybe more civilized.
(Need to write the rest later)

Torna's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The first adventure out of the hometown
    25 May 2020 09:46:15
  2. The Goblin problem
    18 Jun 2020 07:46:27

The major events and journals in Torna's history, from the beginning to today.

The Goblin problem

After our first adventure the lord of Suth-on-Spoke asked for us and told us about a goblin problem Some crates and children went missing and he asked us to solve the problem. After a night of searching for goblins we found a little camp where we were...

07:46 pm - 18.06.2020

Session 3

05:41 pm - 18.06.2020

Session 2

09:39 pm - 05.06.2020

Session 2

07:42 pm - 05.06.2020

The first adventure out of the hometown

The first town where we arrived after leaving Hempholm was Suth-on-Spoke. After a week of traveling i really could not wait for a warm soft bed, but it was still the middle of the day, so we decided to first experience the local dungeon "The Delve". Th...

09:46 pm - 25.05.2020

Session1: The intro

09:35 pm - 25.05.2020

To be a horny bard or not? That is the question.

06:40 pm - 25.05.2020

Session1: The intro

06:19 pm - 25.05.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Torna.

Played by

Other Characters by Amarsht