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Ersetu is a young world, writing was invented just 1500 years ago by the Kiengirrian gnomes. Around the same time N'rmr united the elves of Kemyt into a single kingdom on the Haapi river. 800 years ago the Uggadian Empire rose to power, though it fell 100 years later its impact is still apparent in the language of Uggadians becoming the common tongue. The Amartu orcs arrived around 700 years ago and formed a series of kingdoms that eventually reached from Old Uggad to Kemyt. The first Humans arrived from the South around 500 years ago bringing with them chariots and horses, allying with Kemyt they crushed the Amartu on the cedar coast and sailed East to found Kaptor, and Ahhiya. Kheta was founded around 100 years ago and began fighting both the Amartu kingdoms of the West and and the Khurrian tribes. Luwia is a loose collection of Human city-states who share their own Hieroglyphic script, but fight each other as often as they fight Kheta.


In Ntr Pr Rs

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Looking for Players
Of Dwarves and Men

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

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Dragon Myteries

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Looking for Players
Khuburru City Stories

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Citizens of Khuburru, and their stories.

Looking for Players
Chaos in Ersetu

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Looking for Players
Fate of the Elves

Dungeons & Dragons 5e
