Khuburru City Stories

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Ersetu
01/30/21 | Looking for Players


  • Khuburru city
    The city of Khuburru
  • Khuburru and her ports
    The two main ports of Khuburru in Ma'Hadu and Reshu
Supporting Cast
  • Kirta
    Born of the storm, Kirta is the youngest of three princes of Khuburru. He travelled with Kling Camber North to Kemyt, and has recently returned as first mate of "Yammu's Chariot"
  • Panubaal
    A handsome, but wayward quarter-orc, Panubaal is something of a simpleton. He enjoys drinking, carousing and all things fun, he abhors work, and anything to do with responsibility.
  • Potoremoijo "Bart" the Bard
    This handsome, well-travelled bard is as mysterious as his songs.

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 4th September 2021 18:00

Session 7: Fallout

Sat 6th March 2021 18:00

Session 2 Atuku Alley

Sessions Archive

30th Jan 2021

Session 1: Pinpointing Panubaal

Panubaal was last seen by his friend "Bart" the bard in Hazziyanun Apshi a seedy tavern in Mahadu.

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Kabi Hammerstein

Netshepese Net