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Fire and Bronze

This Bronzesmith serves most of the Smithing needs for the citizens of Khuburru
Scale Mail 10ShKL
Heavy Scale 15ShKL
Breastplate 2Mina
Half-Plate 3Mina
Helm 1ShKL
Shield 2ShKL
Dagger 2ShKL
Handaxe  2ShKL 5ShKL
Javelin 1Bekah
Spear 2ShKL
Light Hammer 2ShKL
Mace 5ShKL
Battleaxe 10ShKL
Flail 10ShKL
Short Sword 10ShKL
War Pick 5ShKL
Warhammer 15ShKL
Sickle 1 Bekah
Ball Bearings 1Bekah
Shovel 2Bekah
Hammer 1Bekah
Menacles 2Bekah
Lamp 5CShKL
Lantern 5Bekah
Spikes 1ShKL
Miner's Pick 2ShKL
Lock 10 ShKL


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