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Horses of Nuzi

Horse Temperment

  | d6 roll | Temperment |d20 roll|   | 1 | **Calm** – 5% chance of getting frightened at something unexpected |1|   | 2 | **Interested / alert** – very aware of surroundings but flight is mostly kept in check – 10% chance of spooking |1-2|   | 3 | **Excitable** – 20% spooking and generally being a lively mount thus possibly tiring itself and the rider |4 or lower|   | 4 | **Flighty / Nervous or extremely nervous / Spooks easily** – 40% chance of reacting |8 or lower|   | 5 |**Stubborn** – Ususally refuses to move, or may decide to in a new direction. may attack if pushed too hard.|12 or lower|   | 6 | **wild** – will bite and kick. An unbroken horse may well buck if one tries to ride it. – 75% chance of shying and/or taking fright and bolting OR attacking |15 or lower|


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