Etante Organization in Ersthen'waille | World Anvil
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Etante (eht-on-t)

Originally four separate regional kingdoms, Etante united under one leader in response to the attempted invasion by the neighbouring country of Prossimo. Up until that point, their eastern neighbour had been able to exploit internal regional devisions to give Prossimian forces a strong upper hand in the conflict.   The current political structure of the country is made up of several different bodies with varying levels of power.   The Ruling Monarch   The Crown Council - Meets a few times a year to advise the monarch. There is usually a lot of controversy around the picking of members for the Crown Council as the monarch gets to pick three members and then the other three members must be chosen from candidates put forward by the Regional Elects.   The Minister of State   The Council of Government - Made up of six councillors, each with their own specific role. The current roles are the Minister of Arcana, the Minister of Commerce, the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Development, the Minister of Information, and the Minister of Law.   Four Regional Elects - Each region elects their own head to represent their needs to the main government. Regional elects reside in their own region, instead of in Fique'Coeuair like government ministers.   ORGANIZATION CHART NOT AVAILABLE
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Legislative Body
The Council of Government along with the Monarch and the Minister of State
Neighboring Nations

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