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Hel Vasso

Hel Vasso

Raised in the Northern Mountains of Knurden as a Jotunn Hel now frequents the darker, less civilized places of the the lands to the South. A Bounty hunter by trade he is now on the trail of a group of Slave lords who may have the answers that both he and the Jotunn need....

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

8ft tall with a powerful muscular physique.

Facial Features

Long scar along left hand jaw line

Special abilities

Resistant to the cold.

Apparel & Accessories

Hel carries two ornate hand axes that were given to him by Ska Vasso on becoming a member of the Jotunn. The hand axes are known as the two Sisters and have their own history...

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It had not always been like this, or so that’s what he had been told as a child, but those times were long gone, and the memory of those days brought little comfort now. Hel was now his name, not his real name but a warrior’s name, a Jotunn name given to him many years ago…..   But Hel remembered. He always remembered. There would be time they told him, when the old ways would be new again and he would find his way. Time to remember – The old replaced by the new. Long gone were the ties of the past but the ways of the Jotunn remained strong. The shared memories of his ancestors and those of his kind who had been killed or driven away during the dark times still lingered through the ages. The hushed stories of how the gods had abandoned them and the magic had failed. A time of death and destruction. A time of dishonour and shame.   He was the only child when found, barely alive, laying in the snow. His face disfigured, covered in blood, a matted gash across his left cheek, nobody present thought that the boy would last the day. The bodies of his kin folk lay all around him. Mutilated, dismembered, and left in the open. His own defiled body left as a deliberate reminder and warning…   Angered by arriving too late to save the others, the child was quickly picked up by a stranger, known as Ska Vasso. Vasso and several others tended to the dead. Vasso then carried the child to the standing stones at Anoch Tor high in the Northern Mountain range of Knurden to a place where others could save him. Following pathways to the ancient stones that were known to only to the Jotunn, the child was carried by Vasso to the revered site, to the one person who could save him – the old Runeweaver Jarnsaxa.   Jarnsaxa was old, maybe as old as the great mountains themselves and her ways were those of long ago. Many regarded the old hag as crazy and confused but others knew better. Anoch Tor was her home. It had been for a long time. Jarnsaxa knew the old ways and whilst others had long stopped believing when the magic had failed, she had not.   She cursed when she heard what had taken place in the southlands and gasped when she saw the child for all Goliaths were the children of Jotnar. The wounded child was an affront to everything she believed in. There was no honour in wounding or killing of children.   No one can truly say if was it the power of the old runestones and knowledge of the old ways that saved the boy but Jarnsaxa smiled when he first opened his eyes   Hel or “Anew,” that was the name they had given him. Alive but weak, ‘Where are my brothers?’ were the first words they heard. Slowly, Jarnsaxa explained that he was the only child that was found. There were no others, only the bodies of the elders who were all dead. Hel remembered. There were three of them. Three brothers together….   The sun rose and set, Jarnsaxa spoke to the young Goliath and explained that his body would heal and that he would grow to be strong and that she could teach him the ways of the Jotunn. His new home would be here, but now he needed to rest.   Vasso and Jarnsaxa exchanged looks. This was not the first time that young Goliaths had been taken. It was happening again, but why…? Years passed in the mountains. Jarnsaxa looked on at as Hel grew and smiled. Hel did not know it but there was a path laid before him. He would need help to find this path and purpose in the world now that his Clan and his family had gone but Jarnsaxa and others would help him do it.   As Hel grew older Jarnsaxa began to teach him more and more about the land that he lived in, the ways of mountains and how his kindred, the Jotunn were intrinsically linked to it. Hel learned about its rhythms, its cycles, it’s patterns and the power that lay within. Hel learned of Anoch Tor, runestones and rune magic, the children of Jotnar and what it meant to be a Jotunn.   Hel became of age. He was stronger and faster than he had ever been, but he was also angry and frustrated. He could thrive and survive in the mountains, but his path was calling. Where were his brothers? There is time she would tell him, patience, but Jarnsaxa knew he was ready. It was time to become Jotunn. She summoned Ska Vasso.   Ska Vasso returned to Anoch Tor. It had been many years since he had last attended due to circumstances across the borders of Knurden and Orlay. Summoned by Jarnsaxa and the conclave he was instructed to take the boy and teach him the path of the warrior and to show him the ways of the Jotunn.   Hel was much older now but Ska recognised the young goliath with the scar. He remembered the image of the blood-soaked boy he had brought to the sacred site many years. They embraced in recognition and understanding.   Ska Vasso would teach Hel the tenets of the Jesol’narix – the ways of the Jotunn and what it was to be part of these ‘Fabled’ Rune knights of the North.   Hel joined Ska Vasso and his group for a time, travelling far and wide throughout the Northern Realms. Living by the creed of Jesol’narix. Seasons passed and Hel honed the skills that he needed to be a Rune knight and he took up his place as Jotunn earning the right to wear the fabled Iron skin.   But it wasn’t enough. Still the memories of his brothers remained. There were quiet whispers of young goliaths going missing across the north again. Every few years it was the same. The same cycle repeating over and over. Each time the Jotunn became aware they were too far behind, or too late.   Ska Vasso and the others travelled north once again but in frustration, He bid farewell to the others. Ska Vasso looked on, ‘Follow the tenets and be true to your Kin, we will see you again Hel Vasso.’   Hel turned South towards Orlay. It was time. He had promised himself – To find his brothers, those responsible for his murdered kin and his scarred face.   Two years later. Another rumour. The Orlayan City of Fallaval. A strange place for a Goliath from the mountains but this was a strange Inn in strange times.   The usual stares. Bounty hunting had lost it’s fun. Hunt or be hunted. One man’s mark was another man’s betrayal. It was one way of earning a living in these lands but was it honourable? It was always about the next mark. Hel was too tired to think.   Hel sat alone listening to the raucous sounds of a drunken evening. A slurring voice telling a drunken tale of the old gods and better times. Not an original tale for this part of the world but not unusual as there was unrest on the borders and rumours of war. Indifference and boredom set in.   Two years of searching. Rumours of Goliaths being taken as slaves, twisted and corrupted into weapons of war. Talk of Rune magic, Rune blades and the return of ‘new gods. What did this all mean?   He was told to wait. A man by the name of Carrow would come. He had links to the city gangs. He could point him in the right direction of the slave lords and folk being pressed into service.   It was time to head home he thought. Back to the mountains. War was coming that was for sure. Head back towards Anoch Tor before the roads and paths were choked with soldiers and refugees travelling the old the roads west.   Maybe tomorrow? One more drink. Tomorrow after he had spoken to Carrow. Carrow owed him and he knew it…


Hel Vasso has been employed by various individuals, businesses and guilds in his role of Bounty Hunter across the northern regions of Eruvar.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Elves - All kinds..


Contacts & Relations

The Jotunn - Rune knight Clan. Ska Vasso - Rune knight and Clan Elder. Jarnsaxa - Mystic. Carrow - Bounty Hunter contact and go between.

Family Ties

Vin Veskyr - Brother. Sol Veskyr - Brother.

Religious Views

Jesol’narix, or the Six Tenets:   A Jotunn must wear armour. A Jotunn must speak Giant. A Jotunn must defend themselves and their family. A Jotunn must contribute to the overall well- being of the clan. A Jotunn must raise their children as Jotunn. A Jotunn must heed the Jorrori’s call and rally to their cause.

Raised in the Northern Mountains of Knurden as a Jotunn, Hel now frequents the darker, less civilized places in the the lands to the South. A Bounty hunter by trade he is now on the trail of a group of Slave lords....

Character Location
View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
35 Years Old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common and Giant.

The Journey
7th day of Spring

by Klaus Pillon
We headed back towards Fallaval following the same meandering route into the city through the main gate and onwards up through the streets to the courtyard and gardens at the base of the keep. Nobody really spoke much and each remained in their own thoughts., listening to the sound of the horses and carriage on the rough road. As the carriages entered the courtyard there were the usual chorus of shouts from the stable hands who began to marshal the horses and carriages into position. On alighting the carriages, each of the teams was directed to enter the keep and make their way once again into the Great Hall where we were told to wait until further instruction. "Hmmm. This better be worth it..."   Each team sat or stood around the great hall and waited, each eyeing the other suspiciously, waiting for something or someone to say something that would trigger a fight. Captain Thorne entered the room followed by Lord Fallavar and a few of his nobles. It grew quiet. Fallavar began to speak..."and Congratulations to all of the teams that took part. Some performed far worse than expected", glancing at Kerran Wolfgar, "while others took the more unconventional route and performed well, not once but twice!", glancing in our direction. With that in mind, I have four tasks that need completing, which of course I will pay well. I have a pack of Gnolls that needs dealing with, there are disappearances near Dargon that I need to get to the bottom of , there are rumours of spies from Knurden that need investigating and finally there is a bandit group operating near Skamber that need dealing with. Each has it's own requirement's and will need teams that complete the task. However, I did promise the best performing team first choice at the tasks". He turned to face our group, "Well, which one will it be...?   We al looked at each other and shrugged. The two Fey muttered quietly , "it it involves killing animals we're out!" There was no real preference and each seemed much like the other. As long as payed it didn't really matter. Talora shouted across, "We will take the Dargon job".   "Well done" Lord Fallavar replied and then he began to talk through the other jobs with the remaining teams until all agreed which one they would take. " Each team will report to back to the Hall tomorrow morning where you will be met by Captain Throne to receive a full brief on each of your allotted tasks. Until then, you will be accommodated in the keep in the rooms on the second floor. Please do not go wandering around the keep during the night, the guards will be most displeased. Get some sleep, you are going to need it". Lord Fallaval and the others left leaving the teams stood in the great Hall.   "I'll see you guys in the morning". I headed off in search of a route to the second floor and a bed.   I awoke early, rising out of bed, stretching, and yawning. It was the same routine each morning. Follow the Jesol’narix. I gathered my equipment. I knelt down examining my armour and sword for damage. I then laid them down, armour first, the sword below. Remembering my Jotunn family I chanted out the ritual words in the language of giants as I scribed out the runic symbols and shapes onto my armour making sure to stay true to my teachings. The runes glowed as I scribed in hues of red and blue before dimming and fading leaving just the outline of the shapes that I had formed. The bond between my Jotunn armour and sword were strong. It would protect me and I could protect others. It was always the way. I looked towards the small window in the room. I couldn’t see the mountains but they were always out there, calling me home. It wasn’t time though. I wasn’t ready, not yet.   I donned my armour and sorted the rest of the equipment. I headed downstairs making my way into the Great Hall once more. There were a few other members of the other teams sat around eating and talking. I gathered some of the food that was on offer and found an empty table.   One by one the other team members arrived, Buns, Talora, Nyx and Lupty. Each gathered some food and sat at the table. The wizard Lupty was muttering something about an incident in his room and the state of his beard which looked as if it had been singed or burned by fire. I looked but didn’t ask.   We finished breakfast and as we began to discuss what was happening we were approached by one of the guards who strode across the Great Hall towards us. “Good morning, Captain Thorne has asked if you would follow me and make your way to his office. It’s not far”. We exchanged looks and stood. “Good, follow me”   We followed the guard as he led us through the keep until we got to Captain Thorne’s office. The guard knocked and opened the door announcing our presence, “The first team, sir”.   Captain Thorne was sat behind a large wooden desk which looked to have been carved from the wood of the renown Frontera-mallo trees which grew in the gardens below the keep.   Captain Thorne gestured for us to sit which we did and he began to provide information about our task.   “Now then, there have been some strange disappearances that have occurred over the past year on the road between Fallaval and Eskam to the south. This has been brought to our recent attention as one of our couriers recently went missing. The courier was carrying important correspondence from the Lord of Fallavar to the Lord of Synlor. When we began to examine the circumstances, we realised that this was not the first incident and we found multiple instances over the past year of strange occurrences including people disappearing. I myself began to investigate and have discovered that there is the small village, named Dargon, which is to the east of Eskam, where these incidents seem to be focused. Indeed, some four months ago the village missed its monthly report which is unusual. The following month we received word saying that the captain, Captain Farron, had fallen ill, and that a new acting Captain Parse was in now in charge. The report seemed very ‘off’ and not at all what we were used to. Something feels not quite right and that’s where you come in. I want you to travel down to Dargon and see what is going on. If you can get to the bottom of the disappearances even better. I’ll pay one hundred gold pieces each if you can find out what Is going and up to two hundred gold pieces if you can deal with it. What do you say?”   Each of us looked at each other. We had already decided. That’s what we were here for. We agreed and began to discuss travel and how to get there. I briefly mentioned obtaining some horses, including a war horse from the stables at he keep but Thorne was not having any of it mentioning a stable and livery just outside of the town. We made our agreements and left and mad our way out of the office.   As we did so, Buns and Lupty got into a raised discussion around the earlier incident with Luptys beard. This soon escalated and with Buns beginning some sort of arcane incantation and then pointing at Lupty, hitting him square in the face with a bolt of magical energy focusing on his beard which then set alight. The nearby guards leapt into action thinking some sort of fight was beginning outside Captain Thornes office and it took some talking by Talora and Nyx to resolve the situation. Buns kept woefully explaining that he was trying to even out Luptys beard to make it look better…” whilst Lupty comically patted his own face down. I couldn’t believe it. Now was not the time. The guards rapidly escorted us the rest of the way out towards the Keep exit. “If there is any damage back there, Thorne will take it out of your earnings, you do realise that? “   We left the keep without looking behind and decided to head straight out of town towards the stables just outside the town gates. On arrival at the stable and after extended introductions and much deliberation we managed to rent two horses, tack and a cart. During these negotiations both Buns and Nyx disappeared back into the town whilst Talora, Lupty and I managed to source provisions for the journey and sort out the travel arrangements and rental fees.   A few hours passed and we were ready to go. Nyx had returned looking happy but we were still waiting for Buns.   “Where was that damn Harengon?”   An hour or so later Buns turned up dragging a large bag with him. He looked so happy and was almost slurring.   “Have you been drinking?” I asked.   “No, just eating.... a few carrots” Buns replied pointing down at the bag at his feet. “I needs them”.   Buns tried to lift the bag onto the cart but couldn’t coordinate his efforts with the heavy bag. “Come here you stupid rabbit”. I bent down and picked up the bag and placed it onto the back of the cart”. Buns quickly climbed onto the back of the cart and took up a position next the bag and almost lovingly placed his arm around it. It’s almost as if the Harengon was drugged. I exchanged glances with the others.   With everyone now back at the stables we began our journey into the wilderness crossing the Vavolle River as we exited the farmland around Fallaval leaving the town behind us. We took a steady pace, some of us often walking as to not tire the horses, following the road as it meandered south-westerly through the grasslands of Noradet. On the horizon to the southwest we could see the rising Porso Hills which we would skirt around the edge of before heading in a more southerly route crossing the bridge over the Datte River. We then followed the course of the river towards Eskam nestled in the foothills to the south.   The journey took tens days. We passed a few travellers on the road but nothing of any note. We began to settle into a daily routine and it became apparent that each of us had our own ways and habits that we followed for our own reasons. I dare say we would discuss these more the longer we were together…   On the tenth day we turned off the main road before it headed into Eskam a few miles away . We followed an old sign which indicated that the village of Dargon was five miles to the East. As we got closer, we decided to slow down and try and move a bit more quietly and covertly just in case there was anything up ahead. As we got near to the village we stopped a short distance from a ridge line that overlooked Dargon. Leaving the horses and cart behind we cautiously moved up to the ridgeline to gain a better vantage point.   On looking down across the grassland we could see the village of Dargon. The village was small and much as I imagined it to be but it seemed very quiet. There was no movement in or around the village. It seemed very unusual and at odds with village life. It wasn’t late, where was everybody?   On looking closer I could see that there were several men stood around one of the outer buildings. They looked like guards and there were plenty of them. Why were they guarding this building? Who or what was inside?   I turned to the others, “This does not look good…”          

The Fighting Pits
7th day of Spring

by Bayard Wu
On leaving the Great Hall we were led through the keep and out into the main courtyard overlooking the famous gardens. Each group made their way towards one of the carriages that were being made ready by some of the guards and some of the squires. Horses whinnied and pulled at their harnesses impatiently as they stood waiting. As we approached the nearest carriage, Talora moved off towards the horses. She began to whisper as she stroked them and the lead horse turned its head towards her as if in response. I quickly looked around. Now in daylight it was easier to see who was in the other teams. Each team made its way to a carriage and climbed on board, laughing, cheering full of good spirits and bravado. I wondered if they knew what was coming. I climbed on board the carriage and waited for the others.   After a short journey out of the city, along an old track we arrived at the old arena site. It was old and partly collapsed on one side, having been here a long time and it had seen better days but it would serve its purpose. On arrival Captain Thorne directed each group to a waiting area where there were a few tents already set up and a small fire going. Each group would rest until called forward to undergo the 'Test'.   We waited. A guard appeared and came over to the group. "His Lordship has informed me that this team shall go first. You will make your way to the gated entrance. Once ready you will enter the arena where you will deal with what is in front of you as you see fit. Are there any questions? No? Oh yes, Lord Angor Fallavar is present with some of the nobles. They are sure to be interested in how each team performs...." The guard began to walk away but turned his head, "Oh, what is your team called?"   We all turned to looked at each other and then turned back to face him. Silence.   The guard looked and grinned..."Team No Name, I like it." The guard laughed and shook his head as he walked slowly back towards the arena. "You have got five minutes".   I checked my gear. A few minutes later we were ready. We walked up to the old ‘warrior gate’ at the side of the arena. This entrance was open and we made our way through the arched passageway through the wall of the arena and moved into a sloped holding area. The light was dimmed apart from the doorway. There was a large portcullis iron gate at the opposite end at the top of the slope. Clearly the way into the arena. Nobody spoke. The last guard stood by the entrance. "Once the gate opens, make your way into the arena. Good luck". The guards left closing the door behind him. I looked at the others, "This is it, let's go". The rattle of chains began to echo around the room as the portcullis began to slowly rise towards the ceiling.   We walked forwards up the gentle slope and through the open doorway out into the arena. A small crowd cheered. I squinted to adjust to the light. The Arena was a large dusty oval surrounded on all sides by tiered seating for the spectators. At various points stone pillars reached into the air, no longer supporting a roof, testament to better days. Across the centre there was some sort of chasm that was crossed by central span maybe ten to fifteen foot wide. It cut the arena in half. A natural choke point I thought, the only way to get from one side of the arena to the other. If we could control that crossing, we would have the advantage. Around the edge of the arena, located in the stone walls were similar portcullis type gates to the one we had just come through.   Just as I turned to speak to the others there was the familiar rattle of chains from the opposite end of the arena. The portcullis began to rise. I could hear barking and baying. As soon as the gate was high enough, I could see what was coming. A wolf squeezed out from under the gate. As it force itself under others followed behind it. One looked bigger than the others, the alpha maybe? It snarled and began to run towards us. A great stinking Dire Wolf led a pack of four grey and black wolves as they charge towards us.   I began to move forward with the intention of getting to the small span over the chasm but the wolves were moving much faster. I was not going to make it in time. Talora, Buns, Nyx and Luptus spread out behind me. I wasn't sure what their plan was.... I don't think we discussed a plan it at all. Okay we will improvise I thought. If I could take down the big one the others could deal with rest.   The wolves charged forward over the span. I moved forwards and braced, aiming at the dire wolf as I swung with my greatsword. I could hear the gnome chanting and then felt the heat and roar of bolt of fire as it slammed into another wolf just as Nyx conjured up some sort of arcane boom that echoed around the arena. I then felt Nyx move up alongside me to my left. Buns and Talora were shouting but I couldn't make out what they were saying. As I swung my greatsword at the Dire wolf I glanced across at what they were doing. They were pointing at the wolves. Talora was shaking her head. They were both shouting but they were not going forward. What were they doing? They were not attacking!   The fight continued. Nyx and I were being swarmed by the wolves. I desperately tried to keep the dire wolf from pulling me to the ground as it clamped its jaws around my left leg. What were the others doing? Luptus was having his own fight, busy trying to fend off a lone wolf with a dagger in his hand. Above the sounds and grunts of fighting I heard Talora chanting and pointing across the arena. Another wolf began to form, bathed in a shimmering arcane light. She seemed to be communicating with it as it appeared. It howled, turned and ran towards the gate behind it jumping and biting at the bindings on the gate. Buns was casting some sort of spell and pointing in our direction. I immediately felt stronger. I don't know what he did but the dire wolf was not going to beat me!   On hearing the howling, two of the attacking wolves broke free from the fight and ran back across the arena towards where they had come from. Good, that evened up the odds a little. The dire wolf continued with it’s frenzy attack. Nyx continued to chant and cast another spell which seemed to cause it some damage. The Dire wolf snarled, it’s top lip curling, baring its canine fangs once more. I continued to fight. The dire wolf fought on as was its nature. It was fighting for its life and it knew as did I. I lunged forward with my sword but before it could connect another thunderous boom resonated once again across the arena. The Dire wolf span around and collapsed to the floor onto its side, its tongue falling out of the side of a bloodied mouth as it's finally took its last breaths. There was a small cheer from the crowd. I looked up as Luptus had finished off the last wolf and was shouting across at the crowd, "Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained.....?!"   I looked down at the bloodied Dire wolf. You fought well brother, now rest.   At the opposite end of the arena, the remaining wolves had managed to break the bindings on the gate. Just as they made their bid for freedom several guards with longbows stepped up to the edge of the lower parapet and fired down onto the wolves. They didn't get far.   I turned to the others. I was angry at Buns and Talora. "What was that?" Both replied that they were not going to fight, that they were not going to harm or kill animals that had been trained to fight. It wasn't their fault that they had been imprisoned and forced to fight. I replied angrily, "Well, can you tell me next time before we get into a situation where we are fighting them as I don't want to get killed!"   I looked at Buns the Cleric. I wondered how he had squared away his leather armour with his conscience and principles. He was wearing the skin of another creature...But we would leave that for any time. The guards entered the arena and began to clear away the carcasses. "You can go back to the tented area and rest or you can make your way up to seating and watch the other teams fight". Luptus, Nyx and I headed up to where the other spectators were sitting. Sitting slightly away in a separate group sat Lord Fallavar, some noblemen and women, Captain Thorne and some of his bodyguards. We took our places. My leg was sore from where I had been bitten. Let's see how the other groups fared.   Each team fought a similar group of wolves. What came as a surprise was that Kerran Wolfgar and his 'Wolfpack' fought so poorly. In fact, if it hadn't been for the armour that he was wearing he could have been seriously injured or killed. It hadn't gone unnoticed by the others either. Once the final fight had ended, we made our back down to the arena floor and walked back to the tented area. We regrouped and waited.   After a short wait Captain Thorne came over to where we were sat. He smiled. "Lord Fallavar was a little surprised by your un-orthodox methods". He looked at Buns and Talora, "and with that in mind he would like to offer you a second challenge. There will be a reward and you will get to choose first from the tasks that he has on offer. What do you say...?"   We all looked at each other. Nobody was against it.   Captain Thorne smiled, "Good, I'll let Lord Fallavar know. He will be pleased. When you are ready, make your way back to the entry gate." He then shouted across to his guards, "Get the next challenge ready and make sure it's ready to fight".   Slowly, we made our way back to the arena and went in through the same entry gate into the waiting area. Once again, the portcullis gate rose and we walked up the slope into the arena. The same crowd remained, with the other teams also in attendance. We walked into the arena and moved into position and waited to see what was going to come our way. I hoped it was not another group of animals. The sound of rattling chains from across the arena brought me back into focus. I quickly looked around at the others. They were also ready. At least it looked as if they were going to fight.   I drew my greatsword once again. A large gate flew open on the other side of the arena. Out thundered a large and angry Troll. It saw our group straight away and began to move towards us with a loping gait. I waited as did the others, let it come to us. As it approached, I could see that it already looked injured, maybe the guards had already been teasing it, either way it was extremely angry.   It roared as it thundered down towards where I was stood. Looks like I'm going to be the one to try and hold it in position. The Troll loomed over me and attacked clawing and biting as it did so. I swung at the troll hitting full on with my blade slicing into its side. Talora, Nyx, Luptus and Buns then unleashed their arcane powers, hitting the troll with a combination of Ice, acid and fire that quickly brought the troll under control. I don’t think it knew what hit it and it was quickly being overpowered. Buns delivered the killing blow engulfing the troll in flames as it fell to its knees before toppling to the side. I have to admit I was surprised but pleased. Maybe this might work out after all.   The small crowd cheered. Lord Fallavar stood clapping. Captain Thorne shouted down from the stands. "Well done, everyone, well done. If you can all make your way to the tented area, gather your things, and make your way back to the carriages. We will see you all back in the great hall at the keep. Lord Fallavar will speak directly to the teams on your arrival". He leant over to one of his guards. The guard whispered in his ear in response. Throne shouted down again, “ He will see you first, team with no name!"   I looked back at the dead the troll. Not a fair fight brother, now rest. I turned back to the others and smiled, slapping Buns on his back, "let’s get out of here".

The Keep
7th day of Spring

The Great Hall
So, I waited for Carrow as agreed in the usual corner of the Inn. Eventually he wondered in and after looking around ambled over and sat down heavily. Late as usual I noted. He was his usual self, non-committal and full of his usual bile. After a round of drinks he relaxed. Whilst there were no new bounties on offer, he did give me a steer about Lord Angor Fallavar looking for adventurer types up at the keep on the other side of town. Some kind of work he had lined up and “Money to be made” was all Carrow knew. I pushed him for more information but he didn’t have any more to give. “Go and see.” I sighed. This better not be one of your dead-end leads, but I was sure in need of some coin. One more round and drinks and then I left. See you next time Carrow. He grinned…   I walked up through Fallaval towards the keep. I kept to the shadows along the cobbled side streets as usual as it was less busy. I looked up towards the old keep which stood overlooking the main part of town. I made my way up to the outer wall and then on towards the main gate. I nodded at the guard who pointed in the direction that a couple of others were walking. I followed on and made my way into the grounds of the keep. Another group of guards approached and we were escorted through the gate house and into the keep itself. Walking through the great doors the steward’s staff took over and led us down along a corridor towards the great hall. As we approached, I could hear music, merriment, and the smell of food. Good, I could eat. Shouting and laughter filled the air. This was promising.   On entering the crowded hall, various tables were set up in lines with groups seated or stood feasting on all manner of foods and were washing it down with copious amounts of ale. Some sat engrossed in their tales whilst others watched or eyed each other warily. A bard was singing merrily in the corner with the crowd cheering him on. I pushed my way through and sat at an empty seat at the nearest table. I was hungry and began to eat from the platters on the table. A group of men nearby stared but that wasn’t unusual. A few nodded but no real attempt at conversation. Others were staring and pointing towards across the room. I looked over in the direction. Unusual for these parts, I had not seen a Harengon in these parts for a long time.   I was used to people staring. Sometimes it was hard not to. It’s not every day you see a Goliath but today there were two in the same room. I looked across the great hall towards the large fireplace and there was the other Goliath stood within a group with Kerran Wolfgar, a small gnome and a group of men. They were all clearly acquainted and were whispering to each other as they scanned the room. I tried to catch the Goliath’s eye but couldn’t fix his stare but he appeared disinterested. I couldn’t see any clan markings; I didn’t recognise him. He certainly didn’t recognise me and made no attempt to acknowledge me.   Looking across towards one the other tables a second group consisting of dragonborn and dragon touched were clearly sizing up the others in the room. A second group then. Clearly this was going to get interesting… It wasn’t long before there was bustle at the entrance. Eric Thorne, the captain of the guard arrived with the sergeant at arms and a small contingent of his men. The sergeant at arms shouted for order and gestured for the noise in the room to die down. An uneasy silence spread amongst the crowd.   Captain Thorne then explained why we were here, there were tasks that needed doing that would bring wealth and reward for those that take part.” However, there was catch, there was always a catch. I smiled, of course there was. We would need to be tested, not as individuals but as teams. This work required teams and if you were not part of one then they would find one for you. Damn, looking around the room this didn’t look promising. A few men got up and left walking towards the door. Others just waited.   Thorne continued, “Those not in a group would draw lots. Those drawing the same colour would form teams, those already in a team would stay with their own.” The guards gathered at the end of one of the feasting tables. A great bowl before them with scraps of parchment rolled into balls. Each candidate would draw from the bowl. Whatever colour you drew would be you team. Simple and fair...   The parchment I drew was red. I looked around the room. Each candidate draw their lot looking down at their parchment. People were moving towards each other, each seeking those holding the same colour. A studious looking gnome barged past muttering to himself, clutching a red piece of parchment walking towards a small Fey looking creature, a fairy. I followed the gnome. The Harengon began walking across and then a human female cocked her hat and began walking towards the same group, a small red piece of parchment in her hand.   This a joke I thought. This cannot be… I bet Carrow has set this up or the runes were playing tricks on me. Surely, they would not place me with the smallest people in the room…!? How was this supposed to work? I towered above them.   A burst of laughter from the Wolfgar group as Kerran pointed over in our direction. The other Goliath stared, but not at me.   This group, the group I was joining were all half my size. Not a warrior amongst them. This was not a good start.   We hesitantly made our introductions. I was to work with the Harengon Cleric by the name, if you can believe this, of Hot Cross Buns! There was no way was I going to use that name! The gnome went by the name of Luptus, a wizard. A human female witch called Nyx or Red stood nearby and waved and finally a small female druid fairy by the name of Talora joined us. What they lacked in size and martial skill they perhaps compensated with arcane ability. Maybe this wouldn’t be all bad, but we would find out soon enough.   Captain Thorne began to shout once again. He gestured towards the door and pointed, “Each group make your way outside and find a carriage. Once on board you will escorted to the old arena just outside of the town, if you need to make any preparations then do so on the way. Once there the tests will begin! To your transport!.”   The guards began to usher people out and gestured in the direction of the entrance to the hall. I looked at the others in the group and sighed. I knew where the arena was but I also knew it by the local name -The fighting pits. This was not going to be quick and definitely not easy. I sighed, let’s go……


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