Aysus the Ruthless

Aysus is the global god of war, and of winning that war by any means. He is often not an honorable figure, instead supporting anything that could provide an advantage in battle. Spying, poisoning the water supply, or other methods of crippling an opponent before a single sword is drawn are highly encouraged. People pray for their enemies to be less clever, and for their own plots to not be uncovered.   It is notable that there are few who openly worship Aysus. Instead, his worship is hidden and his prayers are whispered in the temples of others. His holy symbols are meant to be hidden within other objects, such as carving within a poisoner's ring, or disguised as symbols for other gods. Tomos the Honorable's symbol is most frequently used, altered in a small way that those who are unfamiliar with it are unlikely to recognize. Followers recognize each other through codes, both verbal and gestural, and rarely discuss their god. Because of this, Aysus has no recognized temples, but his shrines are hidden in secret rooms are behind false walls. Upon their deaths, many of the greatest generals have been discovered to be worshipers of Aysus.

Divine Domains

War, Trickery
Divine Classification
Global Bod