Common Magic Items for Sale


  • Ready Kettle- A kettle that heats and maintains the water at the perfect temperature for brewing tea, outside is warm, but not hot.
  • Mug of Frost/Mug of Warmth- keeps beverages at a specific temperature. Also available as a water skin or canteen.
  • Bowl/cup of Saved Tablecloths- does not spill when tipped over, food/beverages can only be taken out by utensil or mouth.
  • Cool/Cold Closet- Yee olde fridge/freezer, but only one or the other.
  • Bag of Preservation-Food placed in this bag does not spoil, different sizes available. Living things placed in here will die but not rot.
  • Safety Knife- A sharp knife that will not cut any living flesh.
  • Cooks Best Pan- will not burn/overcook food cooked in it.


    • Enduring Outfit- designed for children, self cleaning, self mending, and adjusts in size to fit the wearer.
    • Outfit of Style Options- Each item purchased separately, once per long rest can be changed in appearance, does not convey any additional function.
    • Ring of Moods- Also available in necklaces, bracelets, broches, etc, changes color based on the mood of the wearer.
    • Items of Endure Elements- Blankets, coaks, etc, wearer is under the effect of endure elements when worn.
    • Comb of Styling-Assists in achieving/maintaining a desired hair style
    • Cloak of Dramatic Entrance- reacts as if blown by a strong breeze on command.
    • Dry Sheets- Any liquid that touches these sheets will vanish, recommended for families with young children.
    • Sand Timer of Waking- hour glass set for 9hrs. Shortly before running out it cast invisible servant to set out clothes, upon running out it emits a soft musical tone until placed on its side.
    • Star Globe- A beautiful paperweight that when told "good night" it will project a slowly spinning display of the stars on the ceiling. Available in astronomically correct for an additional fee.
    • Magic Quilt- available as a quilt, blanket, or stuffed animal, casts "calm emotions" on the person using it, children have disadvantage on the save.

    Around the House

    • Paired Scrolls: Available in larger sets, writing on one appears on the others, resets after a long rest (you get 1 notecard)
    • Endless Ink-not actually endless. Holds 3 gallons of ink that cannot be spilled.
    • Quill of Text- yee olde ballpoint pen, quill holds and dispenses ink so you don't have to dip as often.
    • Everburning candles/torches/lanterns- Does what it says on the tin. Available in fire or magelight
    • Chamberpot of Vanishing- Self-cleans when the lid is placed on top, do not place any valuables inside. Also available as a litter box
    • Self Operating Cleaning Supplies- Mops, brooms, rags, etc do the cleaning for you. May occasionally backfire