Coven of Queens

The Coven of Queens is a group of kingdoms that are officially ruled over by their queens. There are cases in which it can be argued that the king is actually the one who is ruling the kingdom, but the queen must preside over all of their interactions within the coven. Each kingdom remains indepenent and is able to make decisions for themselves, but by joining the coven they have agreed to work together to further their shared goals in order to have a better position for bargining. The members of the coven change on a regular basis as feuds between allies grow and the countries individual strength ebbs and flows. There are many nations that have previously joined who are no longer members and many whoes kingdoms have been lost to time.   The Coven sought to control the ithsmus in order to offer favorable deals only to those who were in their coven or those who act favorably towards them, giving additional wealth, resources, and power to those who join them.