
Deldrach, or Deld to his friends, is a formerly nomadic elf who now owns Onion Grove Eatery. He has been in the city for less than 10 years and has only managed to open his restaurant in the past four years. Even though it is new, the restaurant is already well established and Deld takes pride in knowing that people are interested in his recipes. He rarely talks about his time before coming to the city, unless it has to do with food. He will talk about how he learned to cook for his clan, how he had to figure out what to do with whatever ingredients they were able to find for that day. He will happily tell anyone about the successes and the failures that he made, especially the failures that sounded great but tasted terrible. He is much less willing to discuss anything personal. Many people have asked him why he left his clan, he will typically tell them that he doesn't have much of an answer for them. He will say that he left for a stupid reason, but he stayed because he fell in love with the city. Where else, he will ask, could someone go from starving on the streets to owning their own restaurant?

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