Devils Own Law Firm

This law firm is located in the Merchant District and is rumored to be run by an actual devil who goes by Turthral. The firm specializes in contract law, reviewing or drawing up contracts for their customers. Few clients ever have the opportunity to meet the head lawyer directly, but will submit documents for review and then meet with other lawyers employed by the firm. This has lead some people to say that Turthral doesn't actually exist, or that he is just a more mundane race that decided to claim he is a devil for the sake of business. They say that the only fiendish aspect of the whole thing is the tieflings they employ as secretaries.   As far as the legal concerns about a devil living openly in the city, there are no written laws about who can or cannot live within the city, providing they are abiding by all written laws. Some have attempted to have Turthral or his lawfirm removed, but none of these cases have ever found legal traction. Clerics and priests have argued against him, but even they have not been able to find any specific actions to question. Occasionally when one of them makes too big of waves, Turthral will release a statement reminding people that he isn't stealing souls and that he is no more evil than any other lawyer in the city.