
When people first meet Ebros they are struck by the beautiful blue skin tone and deep navy horns that swirl intricately above his head. They expect him to be bold and dashing, but soon learn that he is neither. Ebros is quiet and reserved, often allowing others to talk for an extended time before he adds anything to a conversation. He'll say that he loves reading, both books and people, and makes it a point to get to know the regulars that come into his shop. He knows most of their life stories, little facts gleamed from dozens of unimportant conversations. He uses this information to get a better understanding of them, and of what books they may be interested in. He prides himself on being able to make good recommendations.  If he isn't talking to a customer he is sitting in a chair next to the window reading a book with his calico cat curled up next to him. He is happy in his life, peaceful, never seeming to be in a foul mood, never wanting more than what he already has. Romance novels are a favorite of his, saying he loves stories of people overcoming whatever life throws at them to be together. However, he has never had much luck in his own romance, though he seems to have accepted this with the same grace that he has accepted everything else in life.