Ervelt Region

The Ervelt Region is an isthmus that separates two great continents and two great oceans. It has been a vital area for trade and is considered to be the most valuable land. It has always been fought over, but this has now come to an end with the signing of the Treaty of Ervelt. Ervelt is now a peaceful region, although it can be a dangerous one. The land between the cities is not ruled by anyone, leading to roving groups of bandits with no one keeping them in check. The open lands have also become havens for criminals and for anyone wanting to avoid the complications that come with governmental control. This is not without peril though, as anyone living outside of the city has no one to call when dangerous creatures threaten them. Apart from the cities, there a many small settlements set up along the roads, each one positioned just shy of a day's travel from the last. They have thick walls and many mercenaries guarding them. They offer travelers a safe shelter from the many dangers of the region at night.

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