
Gurag was on his way to becoming on of the first half orc master smiths in Ansbridge. His attention to detail and methods of working with iron were compared to a wizard weaving a spell or a bard performing their favorite song. People would stop by his master's workshop just to watch him work. He was nearly finished with his masterwork piece, a sword with his deceased father's face meticulously etched into the guard, when he was thrown from his horse on the way to the workshop. Lucky to be alive, Gurag spent several months paralyzed from the waist down and his right wrist shattered. While he has slowly retained the use of his legs and hand, he will never have the stamina or dexterity to return to his craft. Now he works in the back of his younger brother's store, giving his brother advice on what to order and how to display it. He avoids going into public, but can sometimes be lured into a conversation about smithing if he believes the other person does not know his history.