Metal Arts Masterwork Smithing

Metal Arts is a shared blacksmithing studio where three blacksmiths work together. There is one elf named Kelro and a married pair of humans named Glen and Wendell Dawson. The three of them met while they were apprentices working in workshops near each other. They became fast friends and each helping the others out with the areas that they were struggling with. The three of them share one maker's mark, insisting that there isn't an order that does not get touched by all three of them. Between them, they can make almost any masterwork item. The majority of their work is commission, but they also have a selection of items in the shop that they made either as example pieces or as practice during slower times. While their work is expensive, it is some of the highest quality work that can be found in the  Craftsmen District. They also have a contract with an enchanter where they can arrange for a piece to be enchanted at a discounted rate.   There have always been rumors about the three of them. Some say that there is tension in the workshop, that Glen had an affair with Kelro but that they stay together because none of them could make it on their own. Others say that the three of them get along a little too well, that there is a reason the three of them share a workshop that they all live above. Exactly how many bedrooms are in that home has been a hot topic of discussion. None of them will ever discuss these matters, saying that people just like to spread gossip to spread gossip and refuting it only makes people talk about it more.