
Minnow is a name used to describe a species of fish native to Ansbay. They are a small silvery fish that only get to be about two inches long who are easily recognized by their lime green accents. They have a lime green line that goes along their sides as well as splashes of lime green on the edges of their fins. Few people ever fish for the minnows on purpose, but any net that goes down with small enough holes is likely to bring some of them up. Some fishermen will toss them back, some will keep them for their own use, and some will choose to dry and sell them. The people that sell them typically don't make a large amount of money off of them, leading minnows to be called "the poor man's drug" or "the working man's drug." They are simply too abundant and available for people to make significant money off of them. Anyone who desperately wants minnow can wade out into the shallows with a hand held net and get their fix.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Minnows are commonly used by people who feel that they need an extra boost and coffee just won't do enough. This would include sailors getting through a night of work, students trying to cram in the last bit of studying, or other jobs where they just need that extra push to get things done. When someone eats a minnow, they start to feel more energized and more alert. It only seems to have an effect when they are tired, if they take it without being tired then it makes them jittery for a while and then feel exhausted, much like if they had too much caffeine. People who overuse minnow, or become reliant on it will start to feel drowsy and sluggish any time they don't have it in their system. Typically people have moved onto something stronger by this point, like Shadow's Itch


Trade & Market

People do not sell minnow out in the open because it is technically illegal even if the guards rarely enforce it. However, anyone walking down by the docks can typically find someone willing to sell or trade minnow. People typically only carry and sell a few fish at a time simply because there is rarely a need for them to have more than that.

Law & Regulation

There are laws regulating the use and distribution of minnow, but this is something that is rarely enforced. The overall view is that the guards have more important things to do. People using minnow rarely cause trouble, and there isn't enough of a black market that it is connected to any organized crime. Generally people feel like anyone who is taking minnow is probably trying to make it through a difficult job.If the guards do arrest someone for minnow, it is typically because they suspect them of something else. Still, it is technically illegal.   Small doses, however, are used in a variety of legal elixirs and alchemical agents.


  Minnows take 1d6 minutes to take effect, if multiple doses are taken they will all take effect at the same time. Each dose temporarily removed 1pt of exhaustion for 1d4 hours. At the end of their effect, the current points of exhaustion return, plus one additional point of exhaustion. You only get one additional point of exhaustion no matter how many doses you take.
Low value, less than 5 copper.
Very common
like fish dipped in sour milk
The small fish are said to taste sour or acidic, an overall unpleasant experience. They say the best thing to do is swallow it whole and then chase it with something that has a strong flavor.
silvery grey fish with lime green accents
Common State
dried whole fish or ground into a powder to be mixed with other foods
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