Stones of Communication

Appearance: It is a set of river stones that appear to have come from the same original stone. They have soft stripes of tan and grey, swirling together. They are about palm sized, oval in shape and flat on two sides. All of the edges are rounded and they feel comfortable in your hand. Each one has a deep, curved groove cut into them going across the middle of them with a residue of something dark at the bottom of the grove. When you line them up you find that it would take 6 to make a full circle.    Detect Magic: Evocation, all stones feel connected and seem to share an aura rather than having separate auras.    Identify: This is a set of 6 sending stones that are all connected to each other. While they would typically be pairs, this one was an expanded casting that was able to join 6 stones in this way.   Use: Each stone can send 2 (25 words) messages per day, but it can receive unlimited messages from the other stones. When a use is expended, it sends the message to all 5 other stones, which play the message out loud as if it were on speaker. Anyone who is in the vicinity can hear it, not just the intended recipient. There is no option to not receive messages or to silence the stone short of things that would naturally muffle the sound (ex: wrapping it in fabric, putting it in a bag of holding). Unlike the sending spell, the receivers cannot send a return message without using their stone's sending.
Item type