The Fate Weaver

The Fate Weaver is a goddess that is often depicted as being half spider. She is said to weave the fates of both individuals and countries alike in a complex web or tapestry that can only be understood by herself. Each thread of silk represents an individual soul, weaved around and through the others that connect to them. People pray to her to better understand their place in life and for her to take extra care not to break their threads. Once a thread is broken she will rarely reconnect it, that which is dead will remain so.   It is said that she weaves a beautiful web, but that some people will try to change it, alter their part in the grand design to make their thread more important. When this happens she must correct it. She wraps her web around the attacker as a spider wraps a fly, pulling the fates of others into their path and often allowing threads to break to protect the web as a whole. She is aware that this will leave patches of her web ruined, and she mourns for those whose threads are used in this way, but does not dwell on this. She is seen as neither good nor evil. She may protect a village from an undead hoard with one hand and pluck the life from an infant with another.

Divine Domains

Order, Grave

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Spiders, spider webs, silk, and incomplete tapestries.
Divine Classification
Global God
Ruled Locations