The Green Carnation Club

The Green Carnation Club is both a physical location as well as a social group for men. They operate out of the Merchant District where their headquarters is located, but will occasionally hold events at other locations. They are a very selective and secretive group, sharing little information about themselves with the outside public. Those who have tried to gain entry to the club have been told that they must first be invited by a current member who is in good standing. It is not widely known how large the club is, or the types of people who are involved in the club as they do not keep public records of their membership.


Casual mentions of the Green Carnation Club show up in old books, but there is no actual written history of them. Even in those old books the club is not talked about like it is new, but as something that is already well established. Because of the secrecy associated with it, the exact age of the club is unknown. There have been people who have speculated how long it has been there, but no one actually knows.    It has been located at the current location for over 75 years, but it was still well established prior to that.

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