Zombilge's Brewery Supplies

Zombilge's Brewery Supplies, now run by his sonĀ Matuk, offers both brewing equipment and supplies for a good price. Matuk has not raised the prices since he took over his father's business ten years ago, even though most of the other suppliers have. When asked he will simply state that he isn't in this business to get rich. At the end of the day he can keep a roof over his head and food on the table, anything extra isn't needed. Largely due to this he has a base of fiercely loyal customers who will stand up for him whenever any anti-Orc sentiment comes up. The shop is unfortunately the target of such, believed to be drummed up by some of his competition. People will make claims about the quality or cleanliness of the products, or try to tie it to any the undead due to Zombilge's name. While these may gain people's attention, they have never made a dent in sales.