Mandon God of Death

God Mandon

Mandon is one of the gods of Esario who is accused of wanting to wipe out humanity. His sister Venja, the goddess of life, created humans and then became more concerned with humans than with him. Mandon could not bear this. He wanted the same attention as before. At first, Mandon tried to talk to her and explain his feelings. Venja wasn't really interested in that. She found the development of the humans more exciting. This fueled his anger at the humans and he decided to destroy them. Then Venja would certainly turn his attention back to him. Not daring to attack humanity directly, he created human-like creatures that craved the blood of humans with an unbearable hunger and killed them as a result. The ensuing bloodshed shocked Venja and she confronted Mandon. A fierce argument ensued between them and their despair even reached their parents, the primordial gods.
Daeran called his son to him and reproached him for his creation. He even demanded their destruction. Mandon refused, as the humans were allowed to live. When Daeron explained that Venja's creation was different, something exploded inside Mandon and he attacked his father. This led to a fierce fight in which no one wanted to give in and which dragged on for a long time. When his mother also tried to convince him of the danger of his creation, Mandon seriously injured his father out of sheer rage. Mandon was slow to realize what he had done, but by then it was already too late. His mother and sister attacked him together and drove him out of their home. Mandon then wandered alone through the universe and thought about everything that had happened. He realized that his anger had been exaggerated and wanted to apologize to everyone.
He approached his home full of regret and yet he was also looking forward to the reunion. As he entered the edge of their home, his father met him. At first Mandon thought he wanted to greet him, but then he saw the anger in his eyes. At first he wanted to back away, but then he remembered what he had planned and stood firm. As Mandon was about to speak, he was hit by a wave of power and thrown back. Frozen in shock, he did not defend himself and let his father's anger get the better of him. He condemned his return and used it to punish Mandon. Daeran conjured up a powerful spell and banished Mandon to the underworld. From that moment on, it was to be his task to lead the souls of the dead back to the core of magic.
Mandon had no choice but to fulfill this task, but it took him a long time to understand what had happened. He also used this time to check on his creation. What he saw rekindled his anger. Daeron had changed them and made them more like humans. After a short time, his mother visited him because she wanted to see him again. Mandon managed to talk to her and asked her to speak to the others. Ajona promised, but even she couldn't change his situation. As a result, she was the only one who regularly visited him in the underworld.
Over time, Mandon's hatred grew and he tried to break out of the underworld. This led to another battle in which he had to fight his father and his sister. As he was unable to harm his sister at least, he lost the fight and was sent back to the underworld severely weakened. This time Daeron also took away his magical abilities, which is why Mandon is still recovering. In the process, he is said to be plotting revenge, the realization of which would mean the end of the known world.


After the primal faith broke down, the faith of Mandos developed. His followers worshipped Mandon and appointed him the god of death and war. They developed various rituals, all of which demanded blood sacrifices in different ways. Some only required a few drops of their own blood, while other rituals demanded animal sacrifices. The most important rituals even required human sacrifice. For a long time, human sacrifice was not accepted, which is why all countries and peoples jointly decided to ban this belief. This was enforced by the respective armies and the buildings that the followers used for their rituals were either destroyed or assigned a different function. Today, the Mandos faith is only practiced secretly and underground.
Gott Mandon by Midjourney
Dark brown
short, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
bright, pale


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