The return of Mandos and the end of the world

There is a legend that is so old that no one remembers its origin. It tells of Mandon God of Death and that one day he will bring an end to the world as we know it.
Mandon lives in the underworld to recover from the loss of his powers. Every believer and every blood sacrifice is intended to strengthen his power until one day he not only regains his former strength, but also evolves. When that time comes, Mandon will become the true god of death and return to our world.
Upon his return, he will transfer a tiny portion of his power to his most loyal followers to bind them even closer to him and make them leaders of his army. Mandon will turn his other worshippers into dangerous creatures who will attack all living beings on the planet in his name.
If this happens, the other gods will also show up to oppose Mandon and a new battle of the gods will ensue. The battle will lead to earthquakes that will swell the sea. The waves will flood the land, the continents will break under the weight of the constant tremors and fire will shoot out of the cracks and devour everything and everyone.
When the battle is over, it will no longer matter to the planet who emerged victorious, as it will be nothing but a scorched mass on which no life can exist.


The legend of the end of the world is known in all peoples and countries and is passed on in every religion. The three major religions in particular respect the legend and try to recognize possible omens that could herald the end of the world.

Variations & Mutation

In all faiths except the Forbidden Faith, the same legend is told. In the Forbidden Faith, Mandon is seen as the savior of mankind, who will cleanse the planet of all evil and grant people a new beginning.
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