
Miners include cave explorers and mine workers. They are also known as crawlers, as they often have to squeeze through narrow tunnels. Miners mine various raw materials and when they discover a cave, they explore it. A tunnel or cave leading to Andera is usually found by chance while mining raw materials. It is an extremely dangerous profession, as they can encounter wild animals in the caves at any time, or rockfalls can occur. There is also the danger of encountering Strigoi and Upiren if they venture too deep into the cave system. The profession also brings little fame and is poorly paid. Only the discovery of special caves or raw materials is rewarded.



Anyone who wants to become a miner must be prepared to undergo regular hard training, as the conditions in the caves can sometimes be extreme. They must have a good memory to be able to memorize the various raw materials and the flora and fauna of the caves. They should also be good with weapons. Miners must at least have good climbing skills and be able to deal well with darkness or low light.
Anyone applying to be a miner must first complete a tough training course in which they learn everything they need to know. Those who pass the training are sent on an expedition with experienced miners, where what they have learned is tested once again. It is a kind of final exam. After successfully completing the expedition, the new miners are sent out on their own.
Many miners come from the poorest section of the population and are trying to ensure their survival. Others are former criminals who have worked off their debt in the mines and are now doing the training because they have sometimes been away from normal everyday life for too long. Hardly anyone applies for other reasons, as miners are seen by society as people who crawl around in the dirt and have a certain death wish.

Payment & Reimbursement

Miners receive a kind of basic income that is just enough to live on and their equipment is provided. Anyone who finds a rare or valuable resource or a special cave receives a generous reward. The amount depends on the type and quantity of the resource or the special nature of the cave. This reward is the reason why many poor people apply for the job. They are prepared to risk their lives for a certain amount of wealth.



Miners have climbing equipment, a pickaxe, at least one weapon, containers for taking samples and a Timestone. A sleeping bag and long-lasting food are also important.


Their workplace is either in the mountains or underground. There are stone tunnels or caves in which all kinds of things can be found that can quickly become deadly and are a connection to Andera.

Dangers & Hazards

The greatest dangers include falling stones and wild animals. Another danger is the air. Sometimes it does not contain enough oxygen, which can be fatal. Some tunnels can fill up with water within minutes, or unexpected problems can occur in bodies of water that have to be crossed. Poisons are another danger. Despite many expeditions, there are still many unexplored poisons that can be solid, liquid or airborne.
Miner by Midjourney
Alternative Names
Research / Scientific


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