Prayer to Ajona, the goddess of light

The prayer to the goddess of light, Ajona, is an important ritual to turn to the goddess with your wishes and fears. It is said to help reduce fears and worries and the believer should feel lighter afterwards. Talking to the goddess is also said to help people work through problems and many a believer is said to have found a solution to their problem through prayer.


Prayer can be performed anywhere. It is mainly performed in the temple or in one's own home. For the prayer, a room is darkened and a white cloth is placed on a table. The candle holder with the star of light is placed on it and the candle is lit.
For the prayer, the believer kneels upright in front of the table and places the palms of their hands flat together in front of their chest. Attention must be paid to the correct position of the forearms. They should be in a straight line. Most worshippers close their eyes and calm their breathing before turning to the goddess Ajona with their prayer. They talk to the goddess in their thoughts and tell her their worries, fears and problems, but also their wishes and hopes.
After completing the prayer, they dismantle everything in the same order in which they built it.


The prayer can be performed alone or as a family. In a temple, the prayer can also be performed in a larger group. A priest then takes the lead and lights the candle. He makes sure that the candle burns until the last worshipper has finished the prayer.


The frequency with which a person prays depends on their faith and whether they feel the need to do so. The Priests of Light recommend praying at least once a week. However, they do not condemn anyone who prays less frequently. Everyone should pray when and where they want.
Candlestick with light star by Midjourney
  • Candle
  • Candle holder with the light star
  • White blanket
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