Faith of Light

The Faith of Light is dedicated to the worship of the goddess of light, Ajona. It is part of the ancient faith, which is rarely practiced today. No one knows when the Faith of Light originated, but it is one of the four great faiths. The Faith of Light is divided into several areas, each of which has a temple. There is a main temple from which all other temples are directed.
In the past, the Faith of Light extended across the whole of Esarios, but with the splitting off of the Faith of Holy Light, its influence declined in many areas. Today, the Faith of Light only exists in Iloa. It was banned in the other countries because of the deeds of the Faith of the Holy Light.


The Faith of Light is led by an archpriestess or archpriest. They take care of the organization of the various areas and temples. He also appoints the high priests after they have been nominated by other high priests. Another task of the archpriest is to draw up and monitor spiritual policy. To this end, he consults with the high priests and decides together on changes or new rules.
The temples are led by a group of high priests who, with the support of the priests and priestesses, lead the prayers, rituals and festivals. They guide the novices and teach them everything they need to know.
The priests take care of everyday prayers and rituals. They are responsible for the cleanliness of the temples and selected, so-called holy priestesses are regarded as representatives of the goddess at certain rituals and festivals. They receive additional training and occupy a special position.


The commandments of the Light Faith revolve around the fact that all people are equal. It is important to them to emphasize that everyone has the same right to live. Although the priesthood is made up exclusively of humans, they also respect the rights of other peoples. This can be seen, for example, in meetings between the different faiths and at joint festivals.
Priests of all ranks are allowed to marry and start families. However, it is also accepted if they dedicate their lives entirely to their faith. The only exceptions are for holy priestesses. They are forbidden to take a partner. Therefore, every priestess is free to accept this position and leave it again after a certain period of time.
No deference is required between the different priestesses. On the contrary, if there are concerns about a person, they are even required to express them. Even reservations about the archpriest are permitted. If concerns about a person are expressed by different people, all the priests of a temple sit down together to discuss how to deal with the person concerned.

Political Influence & Intrigue

A few selected priests sit on the council and advise the king. This allows them to exert a certain influence on the laws. Their views also have an influence on the faithful. They can help decide how other peoples are treated. They can influence the believers during their prayers and through the festivals.
An important factor is their dealings with the Warriors of the Holy Light. They were originally also part of the Faith of Light and were responsible for other lands. When the battles against the vampires were committed, they chose to fight. To them, the vampires were a spawn of evil and should be destroyed.
To make a difference, they renamed themselves the Faith of the Holy Light. The Priests of the Light are determined to distance themselves from the Priests of the Holy Light and condemn their dealings with the vampire races in the strongest possible terms.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Light Faith, Ajonarer
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