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astral. / (ˈæstrəl) / adjective. relating to, proceeding from, consisting of, or resembling the Stars: an astral body. biology of or relating to the aster occurring in dividing cells.

Astral are a rare type of Changeling that are born of a living star and a Changeling. They are known to reside in The Feywild Realm, as well is on Esau.

Few people are aware of the sub-species of Changeling - refferred to a Astrals. The Astral Changelings are quite different from most common Lagrene Changelings, or even the unusual Moinna Changelings - although each have similarities.

Changelings reach maturity slightly slower than even humans - although live longer than Elves do, typically about 350 to 500 years. Average Height = 5′‒6′7″
Average Weight = 120‒160 lb (54,000‒73,000 g)
Average Physique
An astral Changeling must remain in the form they choose, from facial and body features seen by them, until they use an action, once after a long-rest, to revert to another selected form, or to their natural skin.

When they die an astral return to their monotone goblinoid-like self.


Skin = a shade of grey or pale white - with a soft glow of starlight.
They are a mix of their two parents:
* Living Stars = beings on light, which tend to sparkle of starlight in a form that is more like hairy Goblins, with big triangular shaped ears on triangular shaped faces. Stars have small oval eyes, and no lips mouth to cover their overfull mouth of pointed, shiny teeth. Their pointed noses are covered in the same hairy, leathery-looking skin as the rest of their head and bodies. It is the white hairs that seem to glow of starlight. and their facial features are blank slates to an unnerving degree - with low ridged noses and colourless eyes. They are typically thin and gaunt, and their hair is usually silvery white.
* Their true skin is usually a shade of grey or pale white, and their facial features are blank slates to an unnerving degree - with low ridged noses and colourless eyes. They are typically thin and gaunt, and their hair is usually silvery white.


Takes an action for a Changeling to choose a difference appearance.

In certain places in the world of Esau , these are secret places, where a Changeling will be selling 'faces' - any Changeling can go to sell an appearance they no longer wish to utilise and buy another. The Changeling law dictates only one appearance may be sold at a time, and only one appearance may be brought at any one time (of a 10 day period).

A store of Masquerade Masks, hats and accessories with store name at top section of a diamond shaped sign with a full face mask in centre and a tiny "CH" down at the bottom point.

Known locations = Souji, Northern Isle. Gunne in Pelago Islands.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Changeling Traits

Ability Score Increase = +2 CHA, also +1 to any chosen ability score.
Size = Medium is the typical size of most races
Speed = Changelings have a standard walking speed of 30 feet.

They actually change their appearance and voice to any Medium sized, two or four-legged creature they have seen before. It does not require spell slots and can be used an unlimited amount of times.
They always need to find appropriate clothing and equipment if they plan to deceive others with their changed appearance. Plus, they will still need to know how to act appropriately.
The changeling must have seen the visage of the species and any facial or body features they wish to take on - and it needs to have the same basic shape. Also, the changeling cannot change their size, equipment, or game stats via their transformation.

Changeling Instincts
Gain proficiency with two of the following skills: Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine and Persuasion.

Languages = can speak, read, and write Common, Celestial and two other languages of your choice

Civilization and Culture


The History of the forming of the Astral Changlings is considered impolite to ask - to the point of being taboo. Only a few people of Esau realise their are different sub-species of Changeling.

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The parents are a Living Star and a female Lagrene Changeling that have sexual interaction that results in breeding. The method is quite different from the usual sexual intercourse practices of humanoids. Those few Lagrene Changelings who ever speak of it, find it hard to put into words the absolute pleasure they feel.

The consenting female Lagrene Changeling has starlight enters their body by the Living Star - when the Living Star chooses to touch their naked skin.
The massage, hug and internal touching sends sparks of starlight into the Lagrene Changeling's pores and into their genitals. Only it the female's egg is ready does it produce a baby.

+ Living Stars
+ Changeling
+ Star names
+ Changeling names

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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