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Baba Yaga (ba-ba YA-guh)

Baba Yaga is one of the most extraordinarily powerful beings. She was born in The Feywild Realm - the daughter of one of the oldest Hags and an Archfey.

Neutral Evil;
DOMAINS: Arcana, Knowledge
Titles = Mother of All Witches; Hag of Hags; Lord of All Hags; Bone Mother; Guardian of the Gates;
Nicknames = Little Grandmother
Gender = Female
Languages = Common; Sylvan; Elven; Giant; Dragonic;

Some describe her as the most powerful female mage ever known, a sorceress with a reputation for passing throughout the planes at will. In doing so, her magical hut also appeared elsewhere, and long ago was reported to have arrived on Esau, within the Feywild Expanse of Kutloc.

“Did you come of your own free will, or at another's bidding?” ~ Baba Yaga, a question she typically asked visitors to her home.

The 5‑foot-tall (1.5‑meter) sorceress is noted to be of godlike intelligence. She is physically ugly. She has a long warty nose, a skeletal frame, and thin white hair. She has sharp, iron-like teeth and fingers that curve into claws. On occasion she has a rather plump frame. It is uncertain whether her changing frame is due to having recently eaten, or simply on a whim of preference.

She is known to have a fickle nature, being dangerously unpredictable, equally as likely to eat her worshipers and visitors as she is to aid them. Politeness will not guarantee her favour, nor will rudeness ensure incurring her wrath.

She travels around fulfilling her role as one of the 'guardians of the gates' by guiding only certain people through the gateways to the different planes and realms.

She is always willing to offer people some of her terrible secrets in return for another. The bargains she offers people are also far more dangerously worded than those of any other Fey or Hags.

Baba Yaga has several guardian animals over her life time, with the most prominent being cats. Some of these cats are mundane, while others are Magical Creatures and intelligent. Beyond that she has guard dogs, wolves, hounds and occasionally dire wolves. These are typically malnourished and lived either on her hut's porch or in its stables. All of her servants, animal or otherwise, tend to be treated poorly.

Many sages and adventurers have been known to have seek her out for her vast knowledge the different Types of Magic. Archfey respected her powers. Hags try to not offend her. Even a Fiend will be very cautious. Her relationship with deities is similarly fickle, though she tends to associate with those of an evil alignment, as well as those who are tricksters or mischief makers. She has also been known to associate with some demons and devils.

Baba Yaga may help or hinder those that encounter or seek her out and may play a maternal role. She has fooled many into trusting her who should not have, but just as many should have, and attacked instead.

Within the stables of her hut she keeps a group of magnificently well-bred horses[ and various types of a Magical Creatures. Her stables sometimes housed Pegasi, Nightmares, Corrupted Unicorn and even intelligent horses capable of traveling freely between planes.

Whenever traveling outside her hut, such as to chase after someone, she uses a large, magical flying mortar and pestle made of iron. On occasion, the mortar resembles a cauldron. This mortar hovers close to the ground, while the pestle can be used to touch the ground and steer the vessel like a rudder. Finally, she carries a broomstick alongside her in order to sweep away any evidence of her travel as she moves.

Domus Mactibilis

The house of Baba Yaga, which stands on one chicken leg. It is a forest cabin-style hut perched atop a single of giant, moving, dancing chicken leg. The house can move around on this leg, and Baba Yaga is known to ask the house to turn around when she needs it to.
It is more like an animal than a house. It has one skinny chicken leg that can run through the forest to avoid anyone looking for her. The bright windows are its eyes that keep a lookout for intruders, and the fence posts around her hut are made from old humanoid bones.

The Hut will only permit entry after a certain secret incantation is said: "Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest and your front to me".


Contacts & Relations

Baba Yaga is seen as the lord of all Hags and the most powerful Archfey sorceress in any realm - the only one who could ever successfully challenge The Enchantress Ezmia. Baba Yaga is one of the most extraordinarily powerful beings - born in The Feywild Realm, the daughter of one of the oldest Hags and an Archfey. Most often has the appearance of a old woman with long white hair, warts upon her face, and a frame that changes from thin to plump on her whim, Baba Yaga is as unpredictable as she looks. She will often devour her followers as much as she is willing to share secrets with them. Those that do make bargains with Baba Yaga will find that the promises she asks are much more dangerous than any other Fey. Baba Yaga can be found in any realm, with her house that stands on one chicken leg, travelling through the realms and planes at will.
Archfey Magic (PACT): gain proficiency in Alchemist's Tools. Additionally, learn one cantrip from the Wizard spell list. Charisma is their spellcasting ability for it.

Family Ties

Marinka is a 12 year old female of The Raven Queen, who The Raven has adopted as her grandaughter. The Raven has three daughters (unknown to them) who have yet to be revealed and tested to see who will suceed her, so she has chosen Marinka as her companion.

Before the spirits pass on, The Raven listens to their stories and celebrates their life with them. Marinka’s destiny appears to be already decided; she is to train to become the next Raven like her adopted grandmother, and this means that she is never allowed to go anywhere alone, or to make friends with the living. As increasingly Marinka wishes to escape that life - she finds herself in touch with Baba Yaga. Marinka working to resolve the tensions between her own desires and the path she is expected to follow - choosing Baba Yaga as her other grandmother.



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