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Delight No More

Standing on the cliff ledge, Delight saw the grey clouds hovering high enough over the tall tree tops to not block her view. In a clearing in the middle of that forest stood two armies. One was foul and nasty creatures including Hags and demons. The other people praying and screaming to their deities to protect them and fight along side them.
Moonweaver let go of Delight's hand, saying, "It must go help them. Stay here my darling, and be my beacon of all we fight to cherish."
So Delight had stayed up on the ridge. She saw the moonlight beam glow when Moonweaver landed, and then a second one, as Sehanine Moonbow joined Moonweaver. A cheer rose up from the clearing and a horn decleared their trumph of prayers answered.
Moonweaver and Sehanine Moonbow gathered the humaniod armies together, forging forward with renewed purpose and hope. As they boldly pushed back their enemies, Moonweaver noticed a weird distaughtion in the tree line not far ahead. The enemies army stepped back past it. Moonweaver saw their faces blur for only a microsecond.
The force Moonweaver used to create a quick barrier of protection in front of the humaniod armies and Sehanine Moonbow, caused herself in front of the barrier. Sehanine Moonbow called for Moonweaver to open it so she may aid Moonweaver, but the risk was too great.
Stuck between the two 'lines' of her own barrier and that created by the enemies, Moonweaver looked up to the ridge. A lone figure stood there, long red hair blowing in the breeze.
Moonweaver blew a kiss into the wind. A moment later Delight felt a kiss land on her forehead. Before Delight had time to plane shift to that spot, by moving into a different plane, to then move back to the Prime Material Plane, into that clearing; dozens on dozens of magically formed hands pulled Moonweaver through the enemies 'line'.
A scream rose into the air, like an owl screeching. Delight fell to her knees, next to Sehanine Moonbow, as she watched Moonweaver split into six parts. None of the parts of Moonweaver fell to the ground, but in each her eyes darkened. Iron cubes circled those parts of Moonweaver, drawing her inside.
The Hags, usually such disorganised and uncooperative creatures, had been powerfully bonded and binded together by The Enchantress Ezmia, just long enough to take away Delight's lover.
Then the enemies army disbanded, and those vial creatures slunk back to where they had come. The Humaniods stood silent. All that remained of Moonweaver was the barrier.
Then a horn blew a long, sad tone. Somewhere in the rear aanother horn joined the mournful note.

Delight stayed crumbled in a heap for hours; her tears formed a still mirror-like lake. Her weeping filled the air. Sehanine Moonbow told the armies to return to the safety of their settlements.
For the first time in forever The Endless siblings gathered together. The six others there to grieve with their youngest sibling. Destruction rammed his long sword into a rock in the forest; vowing never to touch it again. They all stood for the longest time, without words or movement. Even when the others returned to their realms and duties, Despair remained with the youngest sister. For years people thought them statutes. However, no one knew who created them.
People came to try to remove the magical sword from the stone, but none were successful.
As the decades past, each of The Endless came occasionally to see their siblings. However, slowly they stopped returning from their realms; except Destruction. Each time he returned, he showed more and more changes. He switched to a nomadic life, filled with art and poetry.
The last time Destruction visited, he brought with him a small dog. Destruction placed the dog he had named Barbabus beside his youngest sister. The dog llicked her hand, and she moved it to pat the canine.
Destruction pulled out his long sword from the rock, handing to Despair, simply saying "Put it away from me."
Despair's always forlorned faced looked startled, before doing as asked. Despaired striked at the mirrored surface of the lake, splitting it in two. Then Despair was gone, leaving Destruction with the youngest of The Endless.
Picking up his sister, Destruction was the first to see the changes in her features. Delight was gone, transformed by grieve into Delirium.
With Barnabus at his side, Destruction travelled the long journey into the realm once home to Delight. It too had changed, as did it's name; to Extraneous. The realm's past name long forgotten.

Hasta Rīz Wēp Fôlan
The followers of The Twin Moons on Esau, hold a feast each year, known as Hasta Rīz Wēp Fôlan, in remembrance on the 11th day of Saiph - for Moonweaver and those who lost their lives in that battle. Delirium dos so in her own house with Extraneous.

NOTE: Hecate Darkmoon is the corrupt version of Moonweaver. It is believed some of her parts are still trapped, which is why Hecate does not remember herself as Moonweaver, and was able to be successfully corrupted.

* Original characters of the Endless written by Neil Gaiman.


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