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Extraneous is a very peculiar realm of bright colours and changeable sky (it is not often blue). * The one realm that Sharran can not freely enter.

No shadow matches the form of the item or people it is the shadow of. No path goes in a straight line, the ground is rarely level, and the stautes are animated so switch around at will.
Formed before the Moata Solar System was formed by Moatama (the Creation; the Creator), but originally did not have the same appearance.

This realm is home to Delirium, the youngest of The Endless.

It is told that one may only be able to navigate it by focusing on Delirium (of The Endless) and traveling towards the very centre. How one knows which way is the centre is a little unclear though - any signposts are not simple either.

At the middle there is a broken sundial reading "Tempus Frangit" ("time breaks") - along with the unusual gallery, scrying pool, and Delirium's private residence (a bizarre house, inside and out).

Delirium's House

In the centre of Extraneous, it was build with a confusing layered style and passage ways. The laughter often heard inside is sweet then turns manic.
The stairs from the roof top arboretum leads only down to the small library, at the base of the tower on the West side. The kitchen with large pantry, is next to the master bedroom, linked by two single doors - on the 3rd level. Has only one guest bedroom, but three dining areas. An inside small lake sits above the dinette.
TOP LEVEL Arboretum = numberous herbs and poisonious plants grow amongst towering trees, inside a glass dome - only exit is double glass doors, A set of three koi swim in a small pond under a waterfall fountain.
TOP MIDDLE LEVEL Breakfast Conservatory = A glass room with an octagon shape with a small square table and four seats. The views are into the Elemental Planes (The Plane of Air, The Plane of Water, The Plane of Earth, The Plane of Wood, The Plane of Void, and The Plane of Fire), as well as, the Shadowfell, The Dream Realm, and the The Feywild Realm.
Small Library = A circular room with tall bookshelves all around, except where a wall of 10 mirrors hang, each with a different frame (gold, silver, platinum, air/cloud whisps, rough bark, stone, moonlight, rainbow, feathers, and goldfish scales - if look in the mirrors switch race, gender, age, height, shape or colour for 1d4 hours.)
Kitchen = A pure white room with a moving spat of colours and a striped ceiling of orange, blue and white. The potbelly stove is a mimic. A goldfish bowl sits on the round table, surrounded by seven chairs.
Chicken path = a narrow corridor with a path of multi-coloured and smulti-shaped bricks with bright flowers and chickweed growing either side - seven chickens (black, brown, purple, yellow, grey, white and ginger) wander along the path.
Master Bedroom = a simple room full of colourful clothes on rails surrounding a round bed. Kept tidy and clean.
Salt Room = a small square room made of salt with a table of salt and one salt chair - a salt pool only 5ft across in front of window looking out to the seaside (no sea outside house).
Lake = an inside small lake with waterlillies floating on the surface. Living in the lake are various fish, snakes, snails, worms, turtles, frogs, mollusks, small alligators, beavers, otters, and beetles.
BOTTOM MIDDLE LEVEL Guest Bedroom = A dark room in centre of level that is without windows, containing a cabinet of mix-matched drawers, and four different style of beds (four-poster super king, single hammock, double water filled bed, and a nest) - only light source is a faint lantern creating butterflies and fish shadows.
Bathroom = A fountain feature in a square room. The shadow looks like an elephants trunk, and the three bright coloured baths in a row are all diferent shapes (green oval in an archway, pink triangle and a blue rectrangle). The two toilets are hidden in draws which get pulled out.
BOTTOM LEVEL Dinette = a square room with a glass ceiling that is underneath the inside small lake. The table is oblong looks like folded metal (curved with four 'layers'), with seven chairs of various colours in same folded metal look.
Crystal Corridor = wide corridor made completely of crystal.
Dining Hall = set for a party. A banquet table laiden with numerous sumptuous, luxurious dishes. Balloons float in the air - some are animal shaped. Music plays joyful, dancing beats.
Study = a massive desk made of a thick door and large cylindar shaped legs. No shelves - piles of handwritten Scrolls of facts mixed with nonsense, and various maps. There is a charcoal sketch of a large bear (Ted's mother) with their back to a girl child (Melora), wearing a long bow and tipping a teapot with only a few small drops dripping onto the grass at their feet.

Candy Mountains

The mountain tops are different bright colours and patterns, located to the North stretching beyond the North-East to the East. These mountains look much like different candy sweets.
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Near the old rickety shed, in the South-South-East, stands a massive sharp tooth held up by bronze metal stand.

The Bright Forest

A forest of colourful and some luminous trees (similar to Jarquılraw: The Bright Jungle) - to South-South-West to South-West to West-South-West - in the centre in the starlight tree. It is home to many creatures ... cute friendly mushrooms, pink elphants, fireflies, phoenix birds, parrots, floral tigers, Hollyphants, giant butterflies, goldfish, Flumphs, unicorns and tiny blue foxes.

Muppetborn children and Teddybears play a game of Bat and Ball Game on edge of The Bright Forest.

The Grass Hill

There is a peaceful grassy hill, to the East-South-East, covered in white daisies with a single blossom tree with both white and pink flowers, that is always in full bloom. The other tree is a crooked, broad, white barked tree, with colour leaves of pinks, oranges, greens, blues and yellows - that hangs over the long table made of wood growing out of the ground - even so, the top is smooth.
Around the table look to be sizable berries to sit upon (like beanbags).
* The table is designed for tea parties.

The view from the Grass Hill to the centre of Extaneous is the lagoon, which holds two islands (behind Delirium's House). The smaller one is where the black and white feathered swans (each feather on each swan is both colours) nest. The larger island has a few trees for the resident Peafowl to perch, along with other birds, like wrens and finches.

House In a Tree

A house appears to grow out the top of the tree. It has external spiral stairs and a ramp leading to a hot air balloon. Home to a Halfling Nicknamed "Radbert" - friend Barnabus and Dandelion.

Room of Spoken Words

It is a calm room, to the North-East (towards the Candy Mountains), with a soft shape of lime green on the walls, and words cut from white pieces of wood hanging everywhere. Two rose pink door stand on the opposite sides.
IF SPEAK WHILE INSIDE = the words spoken form into the white wood words, they are heavy in your hands and awkward to carry. Not to be dropped or put down..


Just outside is a pale yellow pergoda, containing a wide bed with white silk sheets and large soft pillows.

Orange Bridge

The bridge of orange bricks and ornage wood goes over a river that vanishes somewhere underneath, to the East.

The Bip Region

In the region of Bip - The Bip Desert is to the North-North-West[/i, of with its intense heat and soft sand, is alongside the harsh, cold plain of ice and snow known as Bip Iced Snow.

Fruitful Cup

An alcove stands in the Bright Forest, to the South-East, overgrown with ivy and hanging plants. In the centre is a cup the height of average Dwarves. From the cup swirls colourful mist with fruity smells.


(previously known as Delight)
The youngest of The Endless, Delirium appears as a young girl whose form changes the most frequently of any of The Endless - based on the random fluctuations of her temperament. She has wild hair and eccentric, mismatched, wavy and unpredictable clothes. Her only permanent physical characteristic is that one of her eyes is green with silver flecks and the other blue, but even those sometimes switch between left and right (although that is said to be painful to do). She often seems very childlike and innocent - her siblings tend to be overly-protective of her. She was always closest to her brother Destruction, and seems the only one who may know where he is - although has told no one.

She was once known as Delight, but some traumatic event, which she will not mention, caused her to change into her current role - about the time Destruction left his post.
Show spoiler
She was very close with Moonweaver as Delight. Yet Moonweaver was corrupted to become Hecate Darkmoon. Delight could not save her and mourned - becoming Delirium.

Her symbol = an abstract, shapeless blob of colours.

Her shadow never reflects her shape, and is tangible, like velvet. She is said to smell of sweat, late nights, sour wine, and old leather. She is often in the company of her dog Barnabas - a gift from Destruction.

Delirium's appearance is impacted not only by mortals, but also by her siblings. Her skin colour will be chalky white in the presence of her family, but caucasian in the presence of those with similar colouring. This seems to be an attribute unique to her.

Once the personification of pleasure and joy, she somehow evolved in to Delirium long before the onset of the story for reasons unknown and unexplained. She is also known as Mania.

Delirium is scatterbrained and easily distracted; she often forgets the thread of her conversations and comes out with offbeat and seemingly inconsequential observations.

Delirium often has a playful attitude, regarding some events with ecstatic joy - such as being held above the ground by the Wyvern, or to Destiny splitting into multiple incarnations before her. Delirium is also quick to respond angrily to rudeness, leading her to occasionally punish people without mercy; usually with a form of madness.

It may be noted that Delirium, as Delight, once exhibited a very deep form of order. Her long and rambling recollection seemed non-sensical, It has been suggested that Delirium may be less mad than she appears and merely has trouble expressing herself.
She once was a very symmetrical creature - when she appears as such it seems to reflect perhaps that in Delirium, there is Delight still existing, no matter how painful.
Delirium, like her siblings, exhibits a form of prophetic knowledge; however, her prophecies rarely make sense until it is too late to do anything about them, and no other character recognizes them. Delirium also seems to know many things none of the other Endless know.

Destruction describes a situation in which Death (The Raven Queen) told him that everybody knows everything and they just pretend they do not - but neither he nor Dream (ruler of The Dream Realm) really understand or believe this.

Delirium, however, says, "She is. um. Right. Kind of. Not knowing everything is all that makes it okay, sometimes."

Localized Phenomena

There is a sign post, that stands beside a massive ancient tree, which points in every direction ...
"Backwards" = North
" Up" = North-North-East & upwards;
"Wrong Way" = North-East;
"Which Way?" = East-North-East;
"That Way" = East;
"Somewhere" = East-South-East;
"Anywhere" = South-East;
"Nowhere" = South-South-East;
"Thank You" = South;
"Down" = South-South-West & downwards;
"Here" = South-West
"Over There" = West-South-West;
"This Way" = West;
"Welcome" = West-North-West;
"Over There" = North-West;
"Go Back" = North-North-West;


Once a plane of delightful vistas and pretty areas - now a confusion of areas which is difficult to naviate.

Davey Seaskull = a rainbow coloured skull usually set upon a black silk cushion at one end of the table of the Grass Hill.
Rummy (Randall Rumball) = A broad human man who looks like a pirate cook. He has no shirt on underneath a surprisingly clean apron, reavealing numerous seafarers tattoos. He has black pirate style boots and walks with a peg leg. Under his cook's hat, he is bald, and has a salt and pepper moustache.
Prim = a mischievous Indigo and Violet coloured faerie dragon, who chirps to ask for food and pats.

Magical Realm
Location under
Related Tradition (Primary)
Related Traditions

ROLL 1d12
1 = Blue
2 = Green
3 = Orange
4 = Yellow
5 = Pink
6 = Red
7 = Grey
8 = Cream
9 = Purple
10 = Golden
11 = Silver
12 = Bronze

ROLL 1d12
1 = Pastel
2 = Pale
3 = Blurry
4 = Bright
5 = Cool
6 = Warm
7 = Neon
8 = Wavey
9 = Spirals
10 = Splattered
11 = Dark
12 = Metallic



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