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Elder Days

The Elder Days are a time prior to the planets forming within the Outlying Space of the Moata Solar System - a time when only the Elder Gods existed. The Dark Times known as the Elder Days speak of the first Eldritch Magic.

The Seven Endless
The seven family members known as The Endless existed always - Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair and Delight/Delirium.

The Creator
Moatama is considered to be the Creator and The Creation - some people do not belief in the Elder Days, as in their belief nothing existed before the Moata Solar System formed by Moatama.

The Elder Tree
The Elder tree èildear, is the most ancient Fey of The Feywild Realm

The First Star
Adriava Demitasse - Was the first of the living Stars - who divide to create more Stars.

Elder Evils

The Darkness
Sharran is a Goddess yet existed before any deities. She is the whole of Outlying Space and the shadows. The First of those known as the Elder Evils.

According to legend, Zav'gon The Horned One ( a Tarrasque ) who cannot be killed unless his horn is severed from his body, and if his horn is not destroyed, he will inevitably return to claim it. The immortals could not discover a means of destroying his horn, and thus they entombed Zav'gon and a whole city of his mad worshipers in a place now lost to history.

Leviathan of The Depths - a creature of bestial intelligence whose enormous coils wrap the world of Esau. It sleeps in the deepest trenches of the seas, spawning tsunamis, whirlpools, and earthquakes as it restlessly shifts. Now mad cultists seek to wake the beast and submerge all the lands.

An ancient Lich named Sevu'zua - this Undead wizard king keeps his soul in a gourd. A massive gourd that is a container made from the hard dry skin of a Dragon Fruit. Usually Gourds are used to carry water or for decoration.
A lich is an Undead being that was once alive, who chose to become Undead in a search of immortality. They are commonly powerful magicians/necromancers or in some cases, kings who preform the rituals to become Undead.
The phylactery is specifically described as 'a charm or amulet, or repository used to store small parchments bearing holy scripture or arcane writings.'

In the Elder Days there were Elder Evils lurking on the fringes of existence - people of Esau like to believe they are gone, however some remain unseen on the fringes of the Outlying Space, and within the other realms and planes. They have always been and always will be. Although they can be as powerful as demigods -sometimes more so - they are not actually deities.
They have no interested in mortals except to wipe them out - as people would tiny ants. Moatama along with many deities create and attend their creations - while the Elder Evils seek to unravel them.

The first egg that hatched, created by Moatama during the Elder Days was the first of the Prismatic Dragons known as Zy'pa.

The first creature squirmed out from within a mucus cloud, created by Sharran, was a massive Aboleth known as Joalorr - who made a nest deep in the forming world of Esau - of rubble and murky water. Forming the underdark of Ru'Mal.


The Elder Days were the time before the Moata Solar System was created by Moatama.
These creatures still exist - creeping in through people's dreams, or ancient texts, or forgotten artifacts.

In Art

Identifying Signs

To ordinary mortals, the appearance of a sign is a mysterious phenomenon -foreboding and sinister, to be sure, but without obvious significance. Only individuals who have studied the Elder Days, undergone the proper training and experience, or are unexplainably connected to the Eldritch. Those who are steeped in ancient or forbidden knowledge, have a chance to recognize its grim implications.

To identify a sign for what it is, a character must succeed on an Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Religion) check, as appropriate.
The check DC depends on the sign's intensity, as set out in the following table. As the effect of the sign becomes more pervasive, its meaning grows ever more clear. A faint sign might be simply unsettling, but at its height, its influence is inescapable.

Intensity DC
Faint = 23
Moderate = 19
Strong = 15
Overwhelming = 11

By succeeding on this check, a character knows the sign is an evil omen.
If the check succeeds by 5 or more, the character can identify the sign's strength, and succeeding by 10 or more reveals all the ramifications of its effect (including the Elder Evil's presence and the identity of the Elder Evil).


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