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A fungus (fungi) is a type of vegetation that included mushrooms, toadstools, and molds. Fungi can be single celled or very complex multicellular organisms. Fungi can live outdoors in soil and on plants, indoors on surfaces and in the air, and even on people's skin and inside the body.
A mushroom or toadstool is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus. Toadstool is often used to refer to fungi with a stem and a cap, while Mushroom is more often used to define fungus that are various in shapes. Many fungus are sold can certain Nursery shops. Prices = 4cp to 1gp

Barrelstalk = large cask-shaped fungus that grows to 5 x 8 ft. Outside is hard as woody, inner flesh is edible, center contains 20 to 50 gallons of water. After 10 years of growth, it beings spore production and the flesh grows black and poisonous.

Blacklight Toadstool = A ebony black toadstool. It the warm, damp places admits a violet glow that insects avoid. Smells of chalk dust. Edible, if soaked and cooked thoroughly before consuming it.

Bluecap = Common underdark crop - found in Ru'Mal. the fungus itself is inedible, but spores can be made into flour. Grows with or without faerzress.

Bone Fungus Bulbous = ivory-coloured fungus that releases a 10 ft cloud of spores that work as an inhaled poison (DC 14, 1d6 dex/1d6 dex). If damage is taken, bone density is reduced, resulting in extra damage from bludgeoning damage in the form of an extra 1 dice. Immune to Acid and sonic, destroyed by cold damage, fire and electricity also destroy but release spores.

Cordyceps = Edible. They grow in long, spindly shapes with a small “club” at the top. They can be brown or bright orange in colour and are fairly strange-looking. Known to improve immunity by stimulating cells and specific chemicals in the immune system. Natural cordyceps is hard to get as grows usually in high mountains. Having too much can cause other issues.

Darkshine = crystallizing glossy-black fungus hat grows sharp 6-ft long shards, native areas of elemental plane earth featuring portals to the negative energy plane. Areas with Darkshine in it function as caltrops that deal 1d10 damage, and damaged creature can not be magically healed for 1 minute. A patch has hardness 5, 20 HP and takes half damage from piercing and slashing weapons, but it take 1 point of damage each our it is exposes to any light-source stronger than a candle.

Fleshshiver = ten-coloured mushroom that grows in the soil between the roots of tropical fruit trees. It can be mixed with mud and then added to a compress that, when applied to the head of a diseased creature, grants a +2 alchemical bonus to Fort saves against disease for 1 day. Survival DC 20, 25 gp.

Jellyfish Mushrooms aka Moon Mushrooms = Transparent fungus, with yellow translucent features that shine fluorescent in the dark. They look similar to Moon Jellyfish. As they grow mostly around lakes in the Underdark of Ru'Mal and Ru'Than, they have been mistaken as hooded lanterns from a distance. Edible if specially prepared; otherwise poisonous (causes throat to close up).

Maiden's Hair aka. Earthsilk = An unique looking mushroom cultivated by Dwarves for the silken tendrils that hang from it and collect moisture. These tendrils are touch and time-consuming to harvest, but they can be made into yarn that can create a very touch silk that make tough rope (Hardness 1, 10 HP, DC 26 to burst) and shirts that grant DR 1/slashing or bludgeoning, although the shirt can be torn by a piercing damage critical hit, at which point it looses its properties until repaired. Rope costs 12 gp, Clothing costs 150 gp.

Penny Bun = Edible. Cap: 7-12 cm. White when very young, maturing to look like a crusty brown roll. The edge of the cap is usually white. Slug marks expose white flesh. Pores: Very small white pores which can yellow a bit with age. Taste/Smell: Excellent raw or fried in butter when fresh.

Pixie Table = rare 1-ft tall and 1 ft diameter mushroom with a dark lavender cap that can be found in any woodland but is most common in temperate forests housing Fey. If boiled with cloth, it dyes it Lavender.
It is the main ingredient for a red liquid called memorybind, which allows a prepared caster to prepare an extra 1st level spell in exchange for reducing all save DCs by 2. Alchemy DC 20, 300 gp

Rare Blue Mushroom = Inhaled Mushroom Powder Drug, Initial +2 Alchemical to Int and Cha for 1 hour, Secondary 1 Str damage, -2 alchemical penalty to Wis for 1d4 hours and Str and Con for 2d4 hours. Overdose 2d6 damage if 2 doses in 12 hours and 4d6 damage plus paralysis for 2d4 hours if 3 or more doses in 24 hours. Medium Addiction, Alchemy DC 25, 100 gp.

Ripplebark = Shelf-like fungus that looks like rooting flesh however is perfectly edible, although it tastes better if cooked properly.

Stoneshrooms = Chalky rock-looking fungus native to the elemental plane of earth that is both edible (1 stoneshroom =1 meal) and produces spores in the form of breathable air. Also, for 24 hours after eating a Stoneshroom, a creature can hold its breath twice as long as normal. Stoneshroom subsists on minerals in the rock, remains edible for 1 day after picking, and is worth 20 gp.

Torchstalk = Non-magical mushroom that can serve as a torch. Takes 1d4+1 minutes to ignite, but burns for 24 hours shedding bright illumination in 10 ft radius.
Sub-species: explodes into chocking spores after 5 rounds of burning, requiring anyone within 20 ft to make a DC 15 Fort save to negate 1d4 Con damage. DC 18 appropriate Knowledge or Survival check allows differentiation between the two types.

Waterorb = A bulbous aquatic fungus that grows in boulder-like patches in detritus areas.
Zurkhwood Giant = 30-40 ft high mushroom. Has large spores that can be eaten if prepared properly, and its hardy stalks serve as an Underdark substitute for wood. Grows in Ru'Mal and Ru'Than.

+ Forgotten Realms
+ dndspeak - Mushrroms and their Effects

Geographic Distribution


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