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Hunting & Fishing

Hunting & Fishing equipment shops appear all over Esau. They might work from within General Goods Shops, The Docks, or Black Market Shops.

They may tend to avoid dealings with Stables and the Animals and Eggs Sellers due to differing opinions on treatment of animals - especially Magical Creatures and Wonderous Creatures.


Fishing is the activity of trying to catch fish. Fish are normally caught in the wild. Techniques for catching fish include angling (fishing rod), spearing, netting, and trapping. Fishing may include the trapping and harvesting of aquatic animals other than fish, such as mollusks, cephalopods, crustaceans, and echinoderms.

• Fishing tackle is already an item. Without it, or other appropriate gear - netting on an ocean-going boat - a person must make the Wisdom (Survival check) at disadvantage.
* The DC is set by location and conditions. If the person knows they are in a location where tuna are schooling or salmon are spawning, it ought to be easy. If they have no idea what's in the water or the water is polluted, it should be difficult.
* Allow alternate equipment for the Folk Hero. This is largely to accommodate someone who is a fisherman by trade.

You are able to spent time throughout the campaign increasing level of fisherman you are:-
Beginner 0
Angler +2
Waterman +3
Fisherman +4
Master Fisherman +6

Angling, Net, or Spear Fishing

You will need the gear required for the type of fishing you will be doing - Net, rod and reel, spear.
You must spend at least four hours fishing.
For every fours hours spent fishing you can roll to see if you got a bite. Time spent fishing doesn't always mean you can catch a fish.

What bait do you have available: ROLL 1d6
1. Scraps 0
2. Cheese +1
3. Fish Or Meat +3
4. Live Bait +5
5. Crafted Metal Lure +6
6. Garden Worms

Check the table below to see if you got any bites and what size fish is biting:-
d20 - Size of Fish
01-04 = No Fish
05-08 = Small Fish
09-12 = Medium Fish
13-16 = Large Fish
17-20 = Very Large Fish

If you got a bite you must roll a DC check to see if you were able to reel in the fish and catch it. The DC check is based on the size of the fish. If you have proficiency in Wisdom (Survival) or with a Fishing Rod/Net you can make this check with advantage. If you pass the DC check then the fish was caught and you can roll to see how much meat you were able to get from the fish.

Size of Fish; Base DC - lbs of Meat;
Small Fish; 10 = 1d4
Medium Fish; 15 = 1d6
Large Fish; 20 = 1d8
Very Large Fish; 25 = 1d10

Harvesting Seafood

Trapping or harvesting seafood is slightly different to fishing. It will require placing a trap of some kind. *For these purposes the hunting trap in the PHB is appropriate. You can place as many traps as you like, however you can only harvest from them after 24 hours have passed.
If you have proficiency in Wisdom (Survival) you can make this check with advantage.

Check the table below to see if you trapped Seafood and how much meat you were able to get from it:-

d20 - Size of Fish; lbs of Meat;
01-04 = No Seafood
05-08 = Small Seafood; 1d4
09-12 = Medium Seafood; 1d6
13-16 = Large Seafood; 1d8
17-20 = Very Large Seafood; 1d10

Preparing and Selling

Before your fish meat can be eaten or sold it must be properly prepared. This task is much simpler than preparing another animal.
You need 2 lbs of fish meat in order to prepare a ration.
It takes four hours to prepare your raw meat. You can prepare multiple rations during this time.

SELLING FISH = Four pounds of fish can be sold for 5sp.



Hunting is the practice of seeking, pursuing, and capturing or killing wild animals. Hunting wildlife or feral animals is most commonly done for the gathering of raw materials and meat in order to sustain oneself or for trade. You must spend a certain amount of time in the process of tracking your prey. The amount of time will depending on the size of animal being hunted. See table below.
You must have proficiency with Wisdom (Survival) or Dexterity (Stealth) in order to successfully track wild animals.
With your training and experience you gain advantage on all rolls. Hunting wild animals and beasts can be a dangerous activity, again, depending on the size and/or type of animal you are stalking. Range based weapons may be considered an advantage - however, hunting can be accomplished by many means. If you have any skills, feats, proficiencies, etc. to aid in the tracking or locating of animals then only half the listed time is required.

d20 - You Find; Time Required;
01-02 = No animals; 1 hour
03-05 = Tiny Sized Game; 1 hour
06-08 = Small Sized Game; 2 hours
09-11 = Poisonous Game; 2 hours
12-15 = Medium Sized Game; 3 hours
16-18 = Large Sized Game; 4 hours
19-20 = Huge Sized Game; 5 hours

d12 - Creature; Ration (1d8 at skill of collecting all available meat Quantity; DC;
1 = Magpie; 1; 1d4; 13 [messenger bird]
2 = Raccoon; 1; 1d4; 14
3 = Feathered Rabbit; 1; 1d6; 14
4 = Deer; 4 9(1d8 1d6; 17
5 = Elk; 5; 1f6; 20
6 = Duck; 1; 1d4; 13
7 = Hare; 1; 1d8; 16
8 = Giant rat; —; 1d10; 15
9 = Turkey; 3; 1d4; 14
10 = Chicken; 2; 1d4; 12
11 = Young bear; 8; 1d4; 17
12 = Fruit; 1/4; 1d8; 0

The player must hunt for a minimum of 4 hours. If they has proficiency in Survival or Stealth, the player can roll with advantage on the following chart to see if any prey wanders by.
d10 Plains : Small Bird
d10 Jungle/Swamp : Deer
d20 Forest : Squirrel
d10 Hills and Mountains : Black Bear
d10 Desert : Small Bird
d10 Arctic : Hare

Taking your Shot

Once you have tracked and found an animal you will have to capture or kill it. Alternatively, if you have tracked an animal that is too big for you to take down then you may disengage.
In order to take down your prey you must pass the animals DC against your Wisdom (Survival) or Dexterity (Stealth) DC. You may roll with advantage since you could possibly get two shots off.
If you pass the DC check then you have successfully captured or killed the animal.
If you fail the check then the animal will escape. If you fail the DC check by 5 or more then the animal attacks you before it escapes. If the animal attacks you then you must roll the damage dice listed. See the table below for reference. [If you found poisonous game then refer to the poisonous creatures paragraph later in this section.]

Size - Kill DC; Capture DC; Damage;
Tiny = DC 10; DC 15; 1d4
Small = DC 15; DC 20; 1d6
Medium = DC 20; DC 25; 1d8
Large = DC 25; DC 30; 2d8
Huge = DC 30; DC 35; 2d10

In some instances certain exotic materials are required to craft magical items - like skin of a Yeti or the mane of a Foo Lion.
Finding these materials should take place as part of the adventure during game-play and in thematically-congruent locations. When crafting regular items, for the most part, materials needed are considered to be part of the cost of crafting the items. So it is not suggested to obtain materials like these from downtime activities.

Harvesting and Preparing

After killing an animal, its meat and hide may be harvested. Before your meat can be eaten or sold it must be properly prepared.
You need 2 lbs of meat in order to prepare a ration.
When harvesting an animal, refer to the following list to determine how much meat is obtainable and long it will take to properly prepare it. You can prepare multiple rations during this time.

Size - lbs of Meat; Time Required;
Tiny = 1d4; 1 hour
Small = 2d6; 2 hours
Medium = 4d12; 4 hours
Large = 6d20; 8 hours
Huge = 10d20; 16 hours


After your meat has been properly prepared you can store it for use or sell it for profit. Animals also yield pelts and hides which can be sold. Tiny and small game produces pelts while medium to huge game will produce hides. Tailors and leather workers may want to buy pelts and hides. Inn keepers and butchers may be interested in harvested meat. Refer to the table below.
SELLING MEAT = Four pounds of meat can be sold for 5sp.

Selling Pelts, Furs, and Hides
d20 You Find a buyer offering
01-05 = 2gp
06-10 = 3gp
11-15 = 4gp
16-20 = 5gp

d20 Days to find Buyer
01-05 = 5
06-10 = 3
11-15 = 2
16-20 = 1

d20 You Find a buyer offering
01-05 = 10% base price
06-10 = 25% base price
11-15 = 50% base price
16-20 = 100% base price


There are certain creatures that produce poisons that can be used to aid you in your adventures or sold for profit. If you have tracked down a poisonous creature using the above methods then you may attempt to harvest its poison.

Identifying the Poisonous Creature

There are a few different kinds of creatures that can provide poisons of varying potencies. Refer to the following table to identify which creature you have found.

d20 You Find a Rarity
01-08 = Venomous Serpent; Common
09-14 = Carrion Crawler; Uncommon
15-18 = Wyvern; Rare
19-20 = Purple Worm; Very Rare

Incapacitating or Killing the Poisonous Creature

Before you can extract or harvest the poison the official rules state the creature must be incapacitated or dead. In order to take down your prey you must pass the creature's DC against your Wisdom (Survival) or Dexterity (Stealth) DC. If you are proficient you may roll with advantage.
If you pass the DC check then you have successfully incapacitated or killed the creature.
If you fail the check then the creature will escape. If you fail the DC check by 5 or more then the creature will attack you before it escapes.
Don't forget you are dealing with a poisonous creature. If the animal attacks you will be poisoned and you must make a Constitution saving throw, taking the full poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Creature - Kill DC; Constitution Saving Throw DC; Poison Damage
Venomous Serpent = DC 13; DC 10; 2d4
Carrion Crawler = DC 13; DC 13; 1d4+2
Wyvern = DC 13; DC 15; 9d6+4
Purple Worm = DC 18; DC 19; 15d6+9

Extracting the Poison

Harvesting the poison requires 1d6 minutes followed by a DC 20 Intelligence (Nature) check. Proficiency with the poisoner’s kit applies to this check if your character doesn’t have proficiency in Nature.
On a successful check, you harvest enough poison for a single dose.
On a failed check, you are unable to extract any poison. If you fail the check by 5 or more, then you are subjected to the creature’s poison. It is worth noting that the effect of the poison is different than the creature's poisonous attack listed above.
Creature Type Poisonous Effect
Venomous Serpent Injury = 3d6 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one
Carrion Crawler Contact = The creature is poisoned and paralyzed for 1 minute.
Wyvern Injury = 7d6 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Purple Worm Injury = 12d6 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Poisons in Use

Poisons can be used in the following ways according to their type.
Contact = Contact poison can be smeared on an object and remains potent until it is touched or washed off. A creature that touches contact poison with exposed skin suffers its effects.
Ingested = A creature must swallow an entire dose of ingested poison to suffer its effects. The dose can be delivered in food or a liquid. You might decide that a partial dose has a reduced effect, such as allowing advantage on the saving throw or dealing only half damage on a failed save.
Inhaled = These poisons are powders or gases that take effect when inhaled. Blowing the powder or releasing the gas subjects creatures in a 5-foot cube to its effect. The resulting cloud dissipates immediately afterward. Holding one’s breath is ineffective against inhaled poisons, as they affect nasal membranes, tear ducts, and other parts of the body.
Injury = Injury poison can be applied to weapons, ammunition, trap components, and other objects that deal piercing or slashing damage and remains potent until delivered through a wound or washed off. A creature that takes piercing or slashing damage from an object coated with the poison is exposed to its effects.

Selling the Poison

When selling a poison it can be hard to find a buyer.
While some buyer may need such a thing for research or medicinal reasons there are also those that would use the poison for nefarious reasons. In any case there are not a lot of people looking to buy poisons and fewer still can afford them. Poisons are generally frowned upon and so one must be careful with whom you deal with. When you come into possession of a common, uncommon, rare, or very poison that you want to sell you can spend downtime searching for a buyer.
This downtime activity can be performed only in a city or another location where one can find wealthy individuals interested in buying poisons. For each dose, you will make a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to find buyers.
Another character can use his or her downtime to assist with the search, granting advantage on the checks.
On a failed check, no buyer for the item is found after a search that lasts 10 days.
On a successful check, a buyer for the poison is found after a number of days based on the item's rarity, as shown in the following below.

You can attempt to find buyers for multiple magic items at once. Although this requires multiple Intelligence (Investigation) checks, the searches occurring simultaneously, and the results of multiple failures or successes aren't added together.
For each item to be sold, you will roll a percentile dice and consults the following table, applying a modifier based on the item's rarity, as shown. You will also makes a Charisma (Persuasion) check and add that check's total to the roll.
The subsequent total determines what a buyer offers to pay for the item. Your DM may determine a buyer's identity. Buyers sometimes procure rare and very rare items through proxies to ensure that their identities remain unknown. If the buyer is shady, it's up to your DM whether the sale creates complications for the party later
(Source:XGE page 133, DMG page 130).

Poison Type; Price per Dose; Days to Find Buyer Modifier
Serpent Venom = 100gp; 1d4 +6
Carrion Crawler Mucus = 100gp; 1d6
Wyvern Poison = 600gp; 1d8 -8
Purple Worm Poison = 1000gp; 1d10 -10

d20 + Mod. You Find a ...
1 = Buyer offering 20% below of the price.
2-5 = Buyer offering the full price.
6-10 = Buyer offering 10% above the price.
11-15 = Buyer offering 25% above the price; also a shady buyer offering 75% above the price.
16-18 = Buyer offering 50% above the price.
19-20 = A shady buyer is offering double the price, no questions asked.

ITEMS: Fishing Equipment - Hunting Equipment
ALTERNATIVE NAMES: Angling - Falconry - Fowling - Hawking - Stalking - Trapping - Big-Game Hunting - Halieutics
TYPES: Mundane - Magical

This is for quick reference using my notes, as well as other websites


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