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Lune is a small Hamlet located on a Northern pennisula of the Kilt region, in Malnax.

Finare's Pewter: The workshop of a male elf pewtersmith named Finare, who is possessed by the ghost of a Silver Dragonborn.

The Dragonborn and Hound: A grand Elven-style inn, kept by a Brass Dragonborn named Inzolia Jontiscane, who has a pet Blink Hound named Suki.
Lune Museum of Ioun: a building built of the local stone, by the followers of Ioun, to house many of the artifacts from the Luna Ruins (those which have not been sent for further study in Jeyton City in Genx region, Malnax).
Run by:-
 Nader (Male Half-elf Aristocrat) - has brown hair and green eyes. He wears fine raiment and numerous rings. Narder is quite anxious and humble - prefers artifacts to people.
Fedonda (female Tortle; oldest sister of the famous Bard Redondo) - a green shell and skin. She is a very organised and tidy person. It is her parents who first studied the artifacts of the Ruins.


It is close to the Luna Ruins.

Approximately 320; mostly Elf, some Human and Half-Elf, with a few Tabaxi, Dragonborn, various Genasi, and Tortle.
Location under


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