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The Black Fox

The Black Fox is located in Lark on the Wilde Coast of the Agwain Region, in Malnax.

The Black Fox is a cozy type place made of stone with a roaring fire (along the right wall) that is always ablaze, the cold seeps through the dark stones. None of the tables and chairs are against the walls. The walls are lined with dark wood display shelves of weapons (all chipped or broken) - weapons of famous heroes and infamous villains.

The Tavern has a black fox skin above the bar.

The Human owner Budmar Duskdelver will tell anyone who asks his one adventure where he and his Gnome tracker friend Sassogit Warmhide travelled on together. They were hungry and sort food. They found a fox hole and were amazed by the black fox that revealed itself. As Budmar watched Sassogit skillfully skin the fox, he asked her to marry him.
He does not tend to mention she took it as a joke, and teased him - until convinced her in the morning sunrise how serious he was.

Budmar runs the tavern, serving on the bar - keeping an eye on his small collection. He is always willing to purchase more unique items with interesting stories.
He hired a cook Stephwin Zumlar (half-elf male) - he use to cook for soldiers in the Green Coats Battalion of the Royal Army until a bullet to the right thigh made him slow and a liability.
Sassogit still works as a tracker in the local region - finding the lost, helping the Green Coats Battalion tracking hurt animals and any other tasks she gets coin for.

The accommodation is through the door on the right wall, along from the fire. The best room is behind the fire - a double bed and three singles fit for a small family.
The other five rooms come with bunkbeds two high and sleeps six people.

The food is basic = breads, broth, cheeses, stews, fish, seafoods, and anything potatoes can be made into.
The beverages are as basic = ale, mead, port, vodka, cider and beer.


Bronze Dragon Scale Mail Armour
Once belonged to Legendary Warrior female elf known as "The Thirsty" = Ailmara Perqen.
The armour has yet to be returned - Borun Brightmoon, a male Halfling - Alchemist in Totting will not tell that it was sold armour to owner of The Black Fox.
The Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon. Sometimes Dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve the hide of a dead dragon. In either case, dragon scale mail is highly valued.
Currently the armour has claw marks down back and one gauntlet is torn in half.
While wearing this armour = a person gains a +1 bonus to AC, plus they have advantage on saving throws against the Frightful Presence and breath weapons of Dragons, and have resistance to lightning damage.
Additionally, a person can focus their senses as an action to magically discern the distance and direction to the closest bronze dragon within 30 miles of you. This special action cannot be used again until the next dawn.
* This armour consists of a coat and leggings, and a separate skirt, of leather covered with overlapping pieces of metal, much like the scales of a fish. The suit includes gauntlets.
BONUSES =  Armour Class
ADVANTAGES: Saving Throws, Detection, Combat, Warding.

Tom's Fangs
Tom's Fangs (also known as Ginger Tom's Fangs) are two curved daggers, each with orange lining on the edge of the blade. Both dagger's grip is wrapped in a orange cloth. Each pommel comprises a copper ring; a circular O-shaped piece of metal. The fabric wrapped around the grip and dangling from the ring glows a bright orange hue when tightly gripped. When a person attunea to these daggers, they attune to both as if one magic item.  
Currently the fabric is torn and needs magical mending.
When a person has both of these daggers on them, then they have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with either of the daggers. They can use any of the following properties even if the person only has one of the daggers on them:
Pounce = If attacks a creature that is surprised using either of these daggers, the attack deals an extra 2d4 piercing damage.
Cat's Eyes = While wielding both daggers, has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. While wielding only one, this range is merely 30 feet.
Cat's Grace = While wielding one of these daggers, they use an action to cast the enhance ability spell, but can only choose the Cat's Grace effect, and can only target themself. A person can cast this spell once for each dagger. Once the spell is cast from a dagger, it cannot be cast again using that dagger until the next dawn.
Magical Return = After using an action to throw one of these daggers, a person can use a bonus action to teleport the dagger back into their free hand. Doing so requires them to make a somatic gesture with that hand.)
Witherwhip = A very rare whip. Gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
The whip has 7 charges. Immediately after a person hits a creature wearing armour, they can expend a charge to reduce its AC by 1.
The reduction is cumulative to a maximum determined by the type of armour. The maximum for light armour is -1 AC; medium armour is -2 AC; heavy armour is -3 AC. The effect lasts until the armor is repaired.
The whip regains 1d4 expended charges daily at midnight. Has 2 charges left - currently unable to recharge due to crack in wooden grip.

Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location


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