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The Chestnut Spinney

There are 12 chestnut trees planted in a S shape in the small area, just along from Rascal Bay, in the Genx region of Malnax.

A few Walnut trees and Rowan Trees are scattered around the outside of the spinney.

The Keepers of this Spinnery are two woman (a couple) - Glenna Apra and Nan Vaca, they seem as old as the trees the two elderly woman care for. Glenna also looks after the four beehives. Vaca looks after the five cherry trees the birds have planted.

NOTE: A spinney is a small area of undergrowth covered with trees.

The magic in the air is like a flood. Even non-magic users sense it. The air bristles with a magical energy (feels like Elemental magic - see Types of Magic).
The magical weapons in your procession glow and are warm to the touch.

"Magic is not some simple weapon; magic is an ocean, beautiful on the surface - but if the current is too strong it will pull you under, and all you can do is drown."
~ Epiture (Wizard)


The bark is smooth on the 3 younger trees – with a maroon, with hints of reddish brown colouring. The 6 mature trees have become grey and darker, thick, and deeply furrowed bark. The furrows run lengthways. As they have aged, the twisting around the trunk is prominent showing the number of trees standing and growing. It reminds some of you of a large robe with twisted strands.
The leaves are simple design [long 20cm; 7cm wide] lanceolate style with sharply pointed, widely spaced teeth, with shallow rounded spaces between.
The flowers appearing are usually seen in late spring or early summer. The ripe pollen carries a powerful, sweet odour, that some people find too sickly or sugary.
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* Constitution Roll not start sneezing and eyes watering – disadvantage on Perception.

Two or three flowers together form a four-lobed prickly calybium, which ultimately grows completely together to make the brown husk, covering the fruits.
Chestnut flowers are not self-compatible, so two trees are required for pollination.
The fruit is contained in a spiny (very sharp) capsule type growth, also called a "burr". The burrs are often paired or clustered on the branch and contain two to six nuts according to the different varieties. Around the time the fruits reach maturity, the burrs turn yellow-brown and split open in two or four sections. They can remain on the tree longer than they hold the fruit, but more often achieve complete opening and release the fruits only after having fallen on the ground; opening is partly due to soil humidity.
The chestnut fruit has a pointed end with a small tuft at its tip – referred to as the "flame". At the other end, is a pale brown attachment scar. In many varieties, the fruit is flattened on one or two sides. It has two skins. The first one is a hard, shiny, brown outer husk. While the other skin is thinner and closely adheres to the seed, following the grooves usually present at the surface of the fruit. These grooves are of variable sizes and depths according to the species and variety.
The fruit inside these shows two ‘seeds’ with a creamy-white flesh throughout.
Chestnut fruit germinate immediately upon falling to the ground in the autumn, with the roots emerging from the seed right away. The leaves and stem are produced the following spring. Because the seeds lack a coating or internal food supply, they lose viability soon after ripening, therefore must be planted immediately. The superior fruiting varieties have good size, sweet taste, and easy-to-remove inner skins.


The Spinney was planted by the original members of The Chestnut Unity. The twelve trees were places in a S shape to represent the Spellcasters Guild.

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