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The Princess Azalea

The Princess Azalea

Paddlewheel Boat

The elegant paddlewheeler boat is called the Princess Azalea - painted white with dark green trim and wheel. The Princess Azalea floats on Scuttle Bay, the feathering paddle wheel turning to move it through the water.

The famous Northern Isle steam boat is own by the the Manelli family, who reside in Devai in the Northern Isle.

Has three levels. Each level has entrances at each end.


At the back is the massive wheel in the back of the lower deck. It is a sternwheeler with a single paddle wheel on the rear - different to the rarer sidewheelers that have a wheel on each side.
Crew = 8 people. 3x mages (magic casting to aid direction) + 5x rowers (physical effort to rotate shaft attached to wheel).
In Charge = Menard Hamch one of the mages.


The entrance is via the middle deck, where there is a interior seating area with tables and wait-staff will take orders.
In the evening a singer Myranda Flynt (Drag Queen) - bearded Tiefling, face of bold makeup (flames around eyes), high black hair, and wearing a figure-hugging satin dress, red heeled boots, with white twisted horns tied in glittery red ribbon - entertains those on the middle deck.


On the upper deck is the bar, where people can go up to a long bar to order drinks and light snacks. The lower deck is the gambling saloon.

Oothy Minch - Half-Giant; with long red hair in dreadlocks
Reth Cattermole "Getty" - Bugbear; will choose sides in a brawl for a price.

Travels on Scuttle Bay between Seamoon, Princess Bay, Quaint, Souji and Devai.

The Princess Azalea is Theurgeme type of boat.
A theurgeme is a vessel powered without sails or rowers - it moves swiftly and tirelessly across the water.
Theurgemes can be powered in a variety of ways, but the most common design is a simple paddlewheel.

The Princess Azalea Stats:
Type = Boat
Size = Gargantuan
AC = 14
HP = 275
Crew = 10 - 15
Passengers = 100 - 200
Hull length = 100 (20 squares)
10ft deck-50ft cabin-40ft deck
Hull width = 25 ft (5 squares)
Seaworthiness +2
Shiphandling +2
Speed propellers 35 ft. (good) - per round
Damage Threshold = 15
Propulsion = paddlewheel
Port = left, Starboard = right, Bow = front, Stern = back,
Hull sections 10 (sink when 6 sections damaged)
Section hp 150 (hardness 6)
Section AC 5
Ram 4d6
Height 10 ft. (draft 10 ft.
Complement 40;
Cargo = people, alcohol (flammable), gambling chips and dice,

Power Generation

Older paddle steamers had the wheel driven by animals or people - paddle wheels propel the craft through the water. The Princess Azelea is propelled by a more recent development of poles, oars and sails.


In a simple paddle wheel, where the paddles are fixed around the periphery, power is lost due to churning of the water as the paddles enter and leave the water surface. Ideally, the paddles should remain vertical while under water.
Feathering paddle wheel is more ideal, as it can be approximated by use of levers and linkages connected to a fixed central axis. Fixed slightly forward of the main wheel centre the central axis is coupled to each paddle by a rod and lever. The geometry is designed such that the paddles are kept almost vertical for the short duration that they are in the water.

Creation Date
Current location
Cost 75,500 gp.
35 feet
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
200 people (including staff) max.

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