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The village of Quaint is located on the Northern Isle, near Princess Bay .

It is considered a quaint village, known for the various flowers and ferns. Very well-kept and set out in a simple grid.

* Travel between Farr City and Quaint takes 14-15 hours travel.
~ Travel between Seamoon, Princess Bay, Quaint, Souji and Devai can be by an elegant paddlewheel Boat called The Princess Azalea.

SHEIFF = Rocky ( Earth Genasi ) - looks as if made of stones, bulky form, green eyes,
GARDENER = Jasper Thornbush ( Tabaxi -Human )
CARETAKER = "Nat" Natalie ( Kenku ) - crow-like with black feathers, excepts wings and tail are mottle grey -makes noises like tongue clicking on roof of mouth.

The Ivory Gin

Tavern/Inn Owner: "Corny" Cornaliux Eastaughffe (Male Dwarf-Tiefling)
Next to the Book Store in centre of the town. The tavern is a brick tower, with a gray shingled roof and floral hedges. It contains high ceilings and a large harp by the hearth.
Accommodation is double beds or two singles in basic room. (1 sp per room a night)
Duck Pie with Rice and a Tankard of Bitter (5 sp)
Boar Pie and a Tankard of Cider (4 sp)
Bear Ramen and a Tankard of Cider (4 sp)


Single large room of a square red brick building, with a flat grey roof - has three square windows on each side. A grassy area outfront with a red bench seat.
Librarian = Aggi Agna Lonna Grace Nertie Karee Stern - an old Halfling female who never remembers names. She has whispy snow white hair and hazel brown eyes. Looks stern when speaking to Fey. Talks slowly and mostly about getting new books.
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* pretends not to remember names
Has pet yellow cat named "Buttercup"

Full Bloom

Magical Florist & Garden Centre
First building if entering the town from the North-West - fills a grid section. A green wooden store with climbing yellow roses and honeysuckle growing tidily on the outside. Inside is a arranged by colour florist. Out back is an array of ferns, flowering plants and herbs in pots ready to sell.
Owner = Sweetpea ( Tabaxi, mottle grey and ginger fur) - member of Legends' Hallow.


General Goods Store
Owner: Arshoon ( Tabaxi- Tiefling blue coloured ) who is an emotional person, with taste for reading romance novels.



Weapon Smith Store and Armour Smith Store
Grey stone building. Forge is hot and smells of sweat and steel. Store is a busy style of organisation.
Owner: Kralditel Baqull Attlekelonim "Attley" - orange Dragonborn

Alcove Books

Book Store
Owner: Kalovia Woslin (female, of the Sun Elves )
Next to the tavern in centre of town. The Book Store is a three story tidy cottage, with flowers growing in window plant boxes. Sells books and stuffed toys of the animal characters from the children stories.


Tailors Store
Owner: Flamboyant, charming Gnome named Adonis Lightborough - dyes hair bright blue; adores bright colours.
(He is a desendant of Malil Lightborough, from the historical Tempil Epoch, family comes under the Legends' Hallow services.)

Knit Wit

Craft Store
Owner: Mona Tinyfoot ( Halfing female ) - Nana to nine loving, energetic grandchildren, who help in the craft creations.

Boudoir of Lace

Whore House
Eclair Starglance, half-drow prostitute
Angelic Spark, blue-eyed muted grey and white long-haired Tabaxi prostitute
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Owner: Sen Silverlake - a Fey fairy who paid to get them out of a bad situation and set-up in Quaint.

Quaint Lighthouse

an old sailor Aarakocra - a shag bird named Corax

Fishing captains
* Greg Shoeman - Gnome male
* Dorithy Dorit - Human female
* "Apple" Apple Cart - Tabaxi


The village is surrounded by a low simple wood and earth walls. 6 trained guards serve in the village's defense, and a militia of 200 can be mustered from Farr City in case of attack.


It is a small out the way settlement, first claimed by a Tabaxi named "Table" Tablechair. He is referred to as Lord Table of House Tablechair - an in joke of the village.

Alternative Name(s)
1,030 people
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