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The Abbey is a grand temple complex in the city of Caelester, containing shrines of various sizes dedicated to each of the gods. It operates almost as a self-sufficient city within a city, watched over by an order of monks. They have cultivated the abbey to be a place of comfort and peace, separated from the hustle of the city around them.  


In addition to the many temples and shrines, the abbey has a considerable amount of land set aside for gardening. Some areas are mostly decorative, growing trees, shrubs and flowers. Some gardens are carefully manicured, kept trimmed and controlled to represent an artistic ideal, while others are arranged to seem more wild and natural. Several plots are dedicated to growing herbs and vegetables, and a couple of small greenhouses are used for seed cultivation. Near the centre of the abbey complex, the monks tend to a number of beehouses, and a few fish ponds are scattered around the complex.   The gardens allow the abbey to provide for many of the monks needs. They still have to buy any meat, salt and grain they need, as well as a variety of spices that don't grow locally, but they produce more than enough vegetables and herbs, distributing the excess among the poor of Caelester. They also sell honey, beeswax, and mead, all produced by their beekeeping operation.  


At any given time, about a third of the Abbey's residents are not monks in service to the gods, but ordinary Caelestrans, needing a break from their ordinary lives. Those who want to get away for a time are welcomed to join the community for as long as they desire, with no questions asked. In return, they are assigned chores working in the gardens, kitchens, or assist with the care and maintenance of the complex.

Cover image: Decorative Divider 44 by Firkin


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