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Fortuna Virtuosa

Fortuna Virtuosa is an extremely popular casino in Caelester, offering a variety of games and challenges at all times, as well as hosting competitions and performances nightly. Or at least, it was before the earthquake 8 years ago. It has been rebuilt, but Is not as fine as it once was, and only attracts a fraction of the audience it once had, and thus only opens at dinner time and closes when crowds disperse to go to bed.


At the core of Fortuna Virtuosa is a large gambling hall, where one can play the house or one's fellow patrons in a variety of dice and card games. A separate dining hall offers a wide range of high quality meals and delicious snacks, as well as having a dance floor and musician pit, though music is currently only actually performed on special occasions and when hired out for a private event. Food is generally not permitted in the gambling hall, aside from drinks and some of the tidier snacks. A number of private rooms in this area are available for wealthier patrons who might wish to dine or gamble in private.   The North Wing of the establishment is home to a large theatre, where patrons can take a break from gambling to watch a show. A grand pipe organ is also built into the structure, along with room for an orchestra to perform alongside the performers on stage. For those who don't enjoy gambling, taking in the night's performance can be a great way to end an evening started with a nice dinner in the dining hall.   For those who prefer more competitive performances, the South Wing features two fighting pits. One is a small ring, suitable for hand to hand or blade to blade matches between individual warriors, while the other provides a large and open field of combat, suitable for team melees or duels featuring arcane energies. Betting on these competitions is encouraged, with the odds being set by the house.   Finally, rooms are available for those seeking lodging for the night, as well as those interested in more intimate forms of entertainment. Such entertainment is not officially sold by the proprietors of Fortuna Virtuosa, though they are more than happy to provide a safe space for independent providers, on the condition that clients rent one of their rooms for this purpose.

Cover image: Decorative Divider 44 by Firkin


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