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Iron Guard

The Steward of Caelester's personal army, made up of an assortment of mercenary companies. Their mission is to protect the Steward, carry out his orders, and keep the peace in Caelester, in that order. Most of their "peacekeeping" efforts are directed toward policing the city itself, rather than maintaining links to the city's outlying territories.   While most believe they are merely mercenaries employed by the Steward, they are significantly more loyal than that relationship often implies. Each company of the Iron Guard has served the Steward for years, benefitting from his funding and his strategic insights. They are, however, still mercenaries, motivated by greed and a lust for battle rather than patriotism. Most will accept bribes in exchange for looking the other way, some are even confrontational and abusive, hoping to prompt a bribe (or just for the fun of it). Over the last few years, some Caelestrans have signed up as well, and those tend to be far more dedicated to keeping the peace than their mercenary comrades.  


The Iron Guard is made up of eight mercenary companies, each with their own specialty:
  • The Knights of the Masked Deer - a cavalry regiment known for their antlered helms and black masks.
  • The Vagabond Pikes - an infantry formation trained in the use of polearms.
  • The Steel Tigresses - a ferocious heavy infantry unit primarily wielding greatswords. Preferentially hires women.
  • The Impossible Badgers - a unit of specialists, trained in scouting, infiltration and assassination.
  • The Ice Bears - a unit of heavy infantry who use shield-and-shortsword tactics inspired by the Asurian Empire.
  • The Bloody Bees - a unit of archers, slingers and crossbowmen.
  • The Order of the Ashen Staff - a small group of mages who provide heavy fire support.
  • The Tipsy Moles - a ragtag group of sappers and engineers, once specialized in a variety of siege tactics, but now reknowned as experts in the use of the Cannon.

Cover image: Decorative Divider 44 by Firkin


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Aug 12, 2024 20:04 by Marjorie Ariel

I love the names of the different companies!

Aug 16, 2024 04:49 by Rashkavar

Thanks! I was stumped for ideas until I came up with the idea of them being named after the tavern they were founded in. One tavern name generator visit later, and I got a bunch of suitably martial sounding names. (Well, mostly martial. Impossible Badgers and Tipsy Moles are both more just too fun to not use.)

Aug 17, 2024 01:58 by Marjorie Ariel

Wow, what a clever way to name them! (And yes, I love the Impossible Badgers and the Tipsy Moles)